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About BigMikeHD

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    On the Coast
  1. Fristable I like how the Wrold looks I love the feeling that this game gives to me. I can handle with den inventory system it´s okay. (There are some bugs in the system but 4 Alpha its okay) For me the World looks realistic more than a BF3 where everything is poloshied and glowes. And of course the simulation in the egnine is pretty good also the real ki (sorry 4 my bad english)
  2. I got the same bug yesterday but a little bit different. I died and try to start new game. I came back with all my gear at the same point I died before. So I thought its a bug or something like this. So I keep playing. After a break I reloged and spawned at the beach with nothing exepting my Guilie. I walked to the next City and let me slaying by some zombies, after that I start a new game and anything works normal.
  3. BigMikeHD Debug .. Bug

    And I thought I´m the only one^^