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About Decoyance

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Skype

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  • Interests
    Dayz, Battlefield
  1. Decoyance

    How do you find hackers through logs?

    remoteexec.log is missing in be folder but the .txt is there
  2. One of my clan members have recently been teleported and killed, I am a admin on the server but I don't understand how to check the logs properly. Could someone please explain to me how I would find the hackers activity and name?
  3. I'm currently looking for a group or clan to join to play dayz withThis is my first time searching for a party to play with so I may need some time , I've been playing arma 2 for about a year now, and the dayz mod for about 5 months roughly, I am 16 years old, from Australia perth and play after school hours on GMT 8+ time zone. I have skype and teamspeak, please send me a message on the forums or message me on skype, my skype name is tomyeww
  4. Decoyance

    97ADU Is Recruiting!

    - Do you have a working mic? yeah - How did you hear about us? dayz forum - Do you have Teamspeak? yes, also skype and vent - What are your best qualities that you think would benefit the 97ADU? I've just lost my all my gear and looking for a new start, I know which buildings are lootable and arent. - How long have you been playing DayZ? 7 months - Are you associated with any other clans? no I am also 16 and very mature, My playing times are GMT 8+ 4-8PM and from perth I'm also on whenever I can be on and I still have school just to keep that in mind !
  5. Decoyance

    Help !

    Thank you a whole lot !
  6. Decoyance

    Help !

    I have recently just updated my DayZ to and my debug monitor is now gone. I'm not sure if this is the result of playing on a server or the fact that I just updated the game This may be a noob question but can anyone explain how I can get the debug monitor back?