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About FractalMind

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  1. Works nicely! Looks good too, I have a much smoother experience using this. No more running blur!
  2. FractalMind

    Gore. Gore. WE NEED GORE!

    I want to see the zombies devour bodies. And I want to find the evidence of that around the world. Stripped corpses of players who have been killed and eaten by a mob of zeds. That would be gruesome. And spooky :x
  3. FractalMind

    Gore. Gore. WE NEED GORE!

    As a game design student its hard to hear a lot of these suggestions. From a technical standpoint, it's difficult to just 'add' this type of damage to a game where there is no support for something like limb gibbing and super detailed gore. I'm sure the standalone will have more authentic violence, considering rocket mentioning how he wants the gore to be more important and telling in the world setting. Seeing heads blow up would be interesting too but like someone else said, Playing fallout and seeing a dudes head blow off ever time i kill them gets old really fast. If this damage was in the standalone I would hope to not see that level of violence frequently. I want to be horrified and scared, not desensitized.
  4. FractalMind

    Too much complaining about 3rd person view

    Same :/ 1st just makes me hella sick. I can only use it when aiming or using Binocs and when im in buildings. Though getting around inside in first person is pretty clunky and weird
  5. FractalMind

    Too much complaining about 3rd person view

    Same :/ 1st just makes me hella sick. I can only use it when aiming or using Binocs and when im in buildings. Though getting around inside in first person is pretty clunky and weird
  6. I feel like EVENTUALLY being able to get a read off of someone from a closer distance should become available after days of survival. So say you are a fresh spawn and say that the mechanic which Rocket mentioned before of aiming at a person and being able to hear a heartbeat that would be representative of how low their humanity is. I feel like this is a great way to determine someones "alignment" in a more intuitive and passive way, but this "skill" would develop over the course of your survival. So back to what I was saying about being a fresh spawn: you wouldn't be able to get a read off of players right away. You survive for a few days and over the course of those few days you begin to develop this sense. I think that would be a good way to go about it. Maybe you only develop this skill by "Stalking" players. I'm not sure how stalking would be defined in code terms, but I think that would be an interesting way to grow into a more proficient character and wouldn't break the world by any means. This mechanic is not deaf friendly though
  7. TBH I run into more friendly people than hostile for sure. If I start to get shot at I will attempt to locate where from, but usually its some lame fucker with a dmr trying to cap me. Ill just dip outta there and roam for a bit. Usually find a cool bro with a dirtbike or some dudes waiting for a bus
  8. FractalMind

    Bandit masks?

    I thought they got rid of the bandit skins? I killed someone the other day and I got the head wrap and some really bad ass looking camo gear but it went away after about 30 seconds. i was on lingor, idk what the deal was. I really want that clothing back though it looked sweet.
  9. FractalMind

    Are you a Looter, or a Shooter?

    Depends on the situation. Other day I ran into someone on Lingor at the Northwest Airfiled while I was looting barracks. I had no clue anyone was near by until I turned to go into the last barracks: dude walking right towards me. Granted this was on a ~17-20 person server so I wasn't used to seeing many people on the server. Scared the shit out of me so I lit the dude up with my M16 and almost crapped myself. He was a safe loot. But Ive shot bandits running through more populated areas and left them in fear of loosing my gear if I went to get his loot. Ive died many times attempting to loot a dead player in a dangerous spot. I figure, If i didn't kill them something killed them--so I have to be cautious
  10. FractalMind


    There should be an audio cue to how sick or crazy you are becoming. Instead of panting you hear mumbling and talking, then eventually without much warning you will lose control of your character and he will run wildly aggroing all of the zombies you are atempting to sneak around. ;)
  11. FractalMind

    Best way to find NV goggles?

    But thats just lameeee
  12. FractalMind

    As I was adventuring, something...odd? Happened

    That was my problem. I already had some cool stuff and it was making me adust my playstyle drastically. Then all of a sudden I had ever bit of gear I would ever need plus the random shit like satchel charges. Whatever, I died by getting smacked by a zombie and breaking my leg after loosing my backpack with morphine in it.
  13. FractalMind


    Me and my friend were talking about this the other night. I feel like the consuming of human meat should come with side effects though. Dependance on human meat the more of it you consume? Obiously humanity drops, but there should be a gameplay side effect as well.
  14. FractalMind

    Can I wear a ghillie suit safely?

    How do you drop your pack again? And could you drop your pack in a gear pile to be more safe about it? Thx
  15. FractalMind

    Can't get myself to buy it for one reason

    Word. I was skeptical about the zombie behavior but bought the game despite and boy am I happy. This game isnt about killing the zombies, its about evading them. But when they do attack you, your connection to the server will have an impact on their behavior. Ive been on servers with great connection and the zombies have been responsive and clean, and servers with horrible connection where the zeds are impossible to kill. This is an experience unlike any other offered in modern gaming, go buy It and be happy. (Sad and frustrated at first most likely, but then happy very soon after.)