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Freez (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Freez (DayZ)

  1. Hello! I would like to make few suggestions for a new world in DayZ. What they would change: first of all they give a taste of reality to the game, and the second one - they change the relationship between the players and the need to give a sense of reciprocity (as in life). So, in order. Contents: 1. Professions 2. hobby 3. learning from each other 4. friendship 5. Books 6. Superzombie 1. What do jobs have an influence on? - time and money! For example, Engineer (Mechanical) - repair within seconds, the quality is 100%, the tools never break. After repairing fuel and oil consumption is less (who would argue - if you don't hold the cylinder cover diagonal, then it will become warp, so the hermetic,the repairing and fuel consumption go down the drain). Doctor - Treatment for a second for anyone and anyhow.Job's peculiarities - blood transfusion, injection of adrenalin (where have you seen that the engineer was able to do a transfusion to the doctor, without preparation, without training, because the world crashed down). Cook - all consumed and given food, even tinned beans give extra health. It's easy to explain - the cook can add pepper, salt to food (as in real life). So food is much more tasty and therefore more digestible. Female chef has an extra bonus for pleasure (as the saying goes, that's why I'm married). Roasted meat cooked by woman gives more HP. Farmer - there is no construction of an underground base without a farmer- it is faster and the base doesn't fall. He can lead the animals, and even ride horses. Military\Police - less wear weapons, and uses large-caliber guns better. Pilot - tell me who except him can fly a helicopter (or are all born with this skill?) Politician (commander) - It is hard for me to exectly point it out, but this role could put the common tasks on the map, as well as represent their execution. Set zones, (and be a target for assasination). Athlete - health, endurance, speed. A person can change the profession only after death. 2. Hobby as a separate profession, but with nuances (yes all hobbies are - well, nobody knows with what aptitudes he will be born.) So, they are: Hunter - at cutting meat, plus one meat and minus one for visibility. Who butchered a boar? Hey, a lot of meat could be lost!; tourist - always knows where he is situated; musician - less likely to go mad of loneliness, and will sing to himself; animal lover - none of the animals will not run away from him, but will try to be closer to him; golden hands(skillful fingers) - while working one less for damage, plus one-to-performance (all in real life breaks down and wears out). And so on... 3. Learning from each other! Examples: I'm an engineer, and and I want to fly. That's where the pilot is helpful for me. He could train me for a week and I could fly - as I wish (for 90%). A doctor could teach treating people(as well for 90% effective), and so on. But there are nuances- in the course of time the skills in additional knowledge will fall (from 90% to 60%, as the person was trained in a hurry), and their practice or training needs to be raised. Sorry, it is the life. How to find out that we have reached the limit for this training? Well, your character does not want to learn more (menu will disappear, for example). 4. Friendship - well, finally ​​it is. You can always know where your friend is gone, or in what direction though, (because a friend will warn you, if he's going somewhere.) 5. Books - finding it in a particular building, with a relevant profession, you will be able to raise it to 70% maximum. 6. Super zombies - well, zombies must mutate, if there is a virus. Features - increased health ,can stay in ambush, not just runs. Generally, it is a solitary hunter, as the primitive zombies prevent it to develop. A sign of its presence is the absence of the primitive. I thank to everyone who read and commented this without trolling. Let's advance the things that maybe interesting! Wellcome constructive feedback and addings.