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Posts posted by joel.hol@hotmail.com

  1. The game is PvP deathmatch' date='


    Except it's definitely not. Thanks, though.

    you have proof otherwise, I have yet to meet a person in the game, cause they always kill me after I say hi, so really the game is a bunch of people running around shooting everyone they see.

    Boom, Deathmatch.

    Good day sir

    I guess I've been lucky, never seen a hacker on the servers, and 90% of the players I've encountered have been friendly, sometimes teamed up with 2-5 random people.

  2. LOL!

    I'm not sure how this point system works but I've got 32' date=' not enough to enter the giveaway (60).

    I was on board Steam when it first got rolling, have over $545 worth of games installed on my computer and another $400 worth of games I've bought for others (mostly my kids). It must require being part of Steamgifts for longer than today? If so only a few thousand people will be eligible. What a silly system.


    You start from 25 points. Everytime someone creates a new giveaway every user gets 10% of the giveaways value in points

  3. Confirmed here also. Worked flawless earlier, but after disconnection and entering another server the lag started with fps around 10 which was unplayable. Tried reducing graphics, no change. Haven't yet tried relaunching but will do it asap.


    AMD Phenom II X4 965 3,4 ghz

    Radeon 6950

    4GB RAM

    win7 64 bit
