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Everything posted by poppytrain

  1. poppytrain

    [Recruiting] Starting a small DayZ Group

    Hey I'm 25 and always looking for people and groups to play with. Hit me up when you get a chance
  2. So I've been playing for about two weeks now and am tired of running around solo. I am on skype quite a bit, name is: salvern. Feel free to add me along with a message. I'd prefer a bigger group that plays quite a bit but would also love to play with individuals as well. I'm also in the US. Thanks
  3. poppytrain

    Scythia Clan (Recruiting Now)!

    Age: 25 XP: I've been playing just about every night for a good two weeks now, mostly solo stuff though. Preferred Role: Scout, Assault, Medic (in that order) IRL Location: Indianapolis steamid: salvern1 I've used skype, teamspeak, and vent while playing video games in the past. Other: I play quite a bit of LoL, been playing GW2 a lot recently, in the past I was really into M&B but put it down a few months ago. I think I lost a good month of my life playing 2 matches of Civ 4. Otherwise I play the random indie game and whatever seems unique or interesting. I'm planning on delving into War of Roses when it comes out if it turns out to incorporate the best things about Warband.