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About silentbob17

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  1. silentbob17

    Prevent Spawn Point "Choosing" by Suicide

    What about a minor spawn choice like: -South-West -South-East -North-East or just South Shore East Shore I found this thread because my buddy, who is new to the game, is trying to spawn somewhat near me and telling me he can't force a respawn... I googled DayZ respawn to see if that option has been removed, and sure enough it has :( Obviously reducing server strain is priority, but isn't the fact that people are spamming it in the first place a testament to how many players want to have some choice regarding where they start? Give players SOME level of choice and the argument is over... you shouldn't be able to pinpoint your spawn, but you shouldn't be forced into a shitty spot. Some players like to group up ASAP and others don't care as much... let the mechanics allow both styles. Players will find a way to circumvent the restrictions... my buddy is suiciding by zombie repeatedly as I write this post...
  2. silentbob17

    *Balanced* zed headshots required to kill

    I expect that over time the zeds AI and animations will be tweaked and smoothed significantly. This suggestion is definitely intended for future use, after twitchiness has been resolved.
  3. Many zombie apocalypse scenarios (movies, shows, games...) involve headshots as a requirement to kill a zombie. I think DayZ could implement this requirement elegantly; here's how: 1---More variation on zed types: There are currently the three stances for zeds (standing, crouching, prone). It's currently WAY too hard to hit a zed in the head while he's in full sprint. If there were more types of zeds in terms of their movement style and speed (standing zombies that lumber or can just barely jog) the requirement would be practical. This could be worked into storyline/environment as well, by having military zeds be more likely to be full-sprint-capable zeds, thus making it more dangerous in those high-quality-loot areas. 2---More state-changing zeds: Every once in a while, when you hit a non-prone zed (somewhere other than the head) he changes into a proning zed. If this mechanic could be expanded, each higher-speed zed would have the chance of dropping down a tier to a slower-speed and/or lower stance (drag hit leg or fall to prone), thus making it still worthwhile to go for non-headshots in times of panic. What do you guys think? I feel like this would really expand the currently limited zed combat in a meaningful and true-to-zombie-apoc way ;)
  4. silentbob17

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Me wanty ASAP kthx
  5. silentbob17

    Game is not using GPU -- low fps

    Getting the 10fps bug again. I had it a few patches ago and it was resolved by a subsequent DayZ patch. It was reported to have been caused by the server tracking a shitload of items or something. It's not graphics-related at all. I've also heard that a freshly-restarted server does not produce this bug; it get worse as the chache or something fills up and starts glitching out. This is really sucky... :( please fix soon!
  6. That would be great, and thanks for the clarification.
  7. Nametags makes the game unplayable to me, currently the majority of servers have some or all of these settings enabled, and very few actually provide this information in the server name. So until complete removal of the settings is live on all servers, those who share my preference can use this list.
  8. -------------------- UPDATE: A forum moderator contributed this info to the thread: "If crosshair is disabled, nametags are automatically disabled too. I'm suggesting a change in the server naming format, making 3rd person and crosshair to be mandatory elements in the server name." -------------------- OP: My last thread got deleted with the forum rollback :( so to summarize: I like realistic settings on servers but there is no indicator of these settings in the server browser (other than a few server which refer to the settings in their name). If you share my preference, please submit any servers that you know have the settings turned off (please be specific about if all three settings are off or only some). Also submit any errors on the current list. -------------------- LIST: -Seattle 3 -Vancouver 2 -uk7 -uk9 -uk4 -us4 -us3 -dal3 -eu_ex -uk8 -eu1 -eu2 -eu5 -eu11 -eu12 -eu13 -de10 -de1 -eu16 -DK1 (SOEBORG) --------------------
  9. silentbob17

    [Suggestion] Night/Day Cycle

    Perhaps a problem the devs foresee is; with accelerated time, the transitions from day to night would be so fast that you may not have time to prepare yourself. My suggestion for this (and I don't know if this is possible in the engine) would be to lengthen the transition period to be closer to real-time but still change the length of pure day/night to be only a few IRL hours. Thoughts?
  10. silentbob17

    Weapons + Ammo Disappearing Upon Swapping

    I watched a short YouTube video on looting in Elektro and the guy narrating mentioned that if you try to place a gun into a pack that does not have enough free slots, the game will simply destroy it.... I'm not sure if this also applies to ammo when it changes over, but is this confirmed as the bug that is causing this problem???
  11. -1 on these respawn timer ideas As long as bandits always have a visible identifier, you will know who is dangerous. And if the suggestion link bellow is implemented, there will be drastically less accidental kills: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4573 DM solved
  12. silentbob17

    Holster pistol

    +1 from me
  13. silentbob17

    [Suggestion] Night/Day Cycle

    The realism that a real-time cycle is attempting to add is completely circumvented by the ability to change servers. Not to mention it's completely inconsistent with the frequency of food/drink requirements. I think more players would play a more balanced variety of day/night if there was a more frequent change between the two. It is blatantly obvious, by the player-count on day servers vs night servers, that the vast majority of players do not want to stick around when they know 12 hours of night are ahead of them. 8 hours of real time for 24 hours in-game time would be ideal because it would stagger the experience for people who tend to play at the same time of day (IRL), and it would produce more frequent day/night changes for people to experience. 7 or 9 hour days would stagger it even more; varying it over the course of multiple IRL days. REGARDING HOW DARK NIGHTS ARE: For the first time yesterday, I played through a day-to-night transition and continued playing into the night. It became unplayably dark very quickly. But then I increased my gamma and started bumping up my LCD's brightness setting as the night grew darker. The result was equivalent to your eyes adjusting in the dark; colour turned to a bluish greyscale and details were harder to make out. This was admittedly a pain (adjusting the brightness settings) but it clarified the problems with making nights brighter: If nights were very much brighter and I set my gamma and brightness to the same high levels, it would be clear as day. If another player didn't set his brightness as high (wanting a more immersive and accurate experience) he would be at a disadvantage in a PvP situation (and in general). The end-user's ability to drastically brighten the game world with local brightness settings could actually circumvent the difficulty created by an insufficiently dark night. All this being said, I think the nights are still slightly too dark. Maybe increase 10-20% if there is no moon, or moon-lit clouds, but increase 100% or more if there is any moon-based light source in the sky. ...fml text-wall
  14. silentbob17

    On risk-reward, difficulty, and death

    I read the OP but not the whole thread. I think the time needed to recover gear, especially if your body is inland, is more than long enough. If you have just the right loadout, it's going to take a while to recreate it from raids, and if you go to get to your body, you're hoping it hasn't been looted already. As it is, I think the penalty is very balanced. I think a respawn timer is a terrible idea. The one thing I liked is this: Question: Alright, I get what you're saying. Make death really bad. But what about those guys that just disconnect and run away? Answer: Disconnecting from a fight is a real problem. I think everyone can agree to that. It's cowardly and it breaks immersion. If you disconnect, the mod should check to see if you've recently taken damage and what things are aggro'd to you. If you've taken damage and disconnect, the game assumes that you're running away. During your escape, the game assumes that some items have fallen out or gotten lost. When you sign back in after disconnecting from a fight, you lose some of your items. Depending on the severity of the damage or the number of zombies aggro'd to you, you may lose your pack or weapons.
  15. silentbob17

    Weapons + Ammo Disappearing Upon Swapping

    rocket, could it be a combination of engine bug and database-to-server miscommunication? Character inventory is managed by the DayZ database right? The behaviour of this bug gives me the impression that the game engine is telling the player's inventory to drop items in order to make room for new ones, but the items do not appear on the ground because the server does not receive the items from the character's inventory in the database. So the items are dropped (client initiated action) from the character's inventory (DayZ database) but not received by the server (loot pile in front of player). Obviously I don't know how these communications actually occur, but even if they are totally different, maybe this way of looking at it will shed some light on other possible causes. I experienced this today: I had a CZ and 5 clips when I found an AK and 3 clips for it. I had enough room in my pack for the AK and its ammo. I equipped the AK from my pack, which moved its 3 clips to my main inventory and one CZ clip disappeared. After acquiring some more loot during a raid, I swapped to CZ and back to AK and discovered that the process had caused one clip for each to vanish. The solution to this example would be to stop ammo from moving with weapons. But from these other bug reports of entire weapons vanishing, it very much sounds like items tracked in the database are not making it to the game world on the server. Hope this helps :P