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Elite Skydaz

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Everything posted by Elite Skydaz

  1. Elite Skydaz


    How long you have been playing DayZ: I've been playing DayZ for a fucking long time. What you like to play as: I mostly prefer the overwatch or recon role when in a team. Skype name: trieternality Do you own Teamspeak 3: Yes, Yes I do.
  2. Elite Skydaz

    Best camping sites- Panthera

    There is none, because no spot is specifically good other than it being on the edge of the north.
  3. Elite Skydaz

    Looking for 1 or 2 players

    I would join but my age doesn't meet the criteria, me and my friend are always available for a team.
  4. I'm not a fellow aussie, but my name is Australia. Does that count?
  5. Elite Skydaz

    Tell us about your most recent kills!

    Me and a buddy were restocking at NWAF when we see a load of zombies training behind something, we run into the control tower and I survey the train and find a guy in camo clothing running across the field to the hangars. My friend runs out the control tower and takes out his zombies and says "What the hell are you doing? Could've got yourself killed." He then quickly said, "Too bad my friend is going to kill you anyways." I aim into my scope, and fire at his leg with my CZ 550 and my friend is already running to avoid getting shot. We watch zombies eat his alive body, as he wakes up and fires his gun at all of the zombies luckily still alive and with a bandage. He uses morphine, and runs I shoot a shot and miss intentionally. He passes out in front of a road, when a small squad of 4 comes to investigate and he gets ran over. My friend then pops the squad's tire, and I throw a grenade under the car. Kaboom, the car explodes and everyone in NWAF are dead. We end the day by crashing a bi-plane into a large group of people trying to stay together and tactically go throughout Stary, and move to Elektro.
  6. I use to always make fun of bandits who couldn't shoot until one of them shot me in the knee. (True story)
  7. It's called, I was getting robbed and I was in the mood for some laughs. A man came from behind and said "drop your gun on the ground or die!" I did as he said, and followed it up with a grenade to the floor; bink-bink SHABOOM we were both dead but it stills counts.
  8. Just sent you a request, Me and a friend are interested. Reply if possible.
  9. Elite Skydaz

    How to Become a Bandit

    Actually sometimes we just shoot you, because we want to fucking shoot you.
  10. Elite Skydaz

    We need some assholes on US46

    On the way.
  11. Elite Skydaz

    What was your very first ever DayZ death?

    One word "Grenade."
  12. Elite Skydaz

    Why you kill unarmed players

    Remember this one fact: "It's never fun to be the victim."
  13. Elite Skydaz

    Why you kill unarmed players

    Only kill unarmed players for the lulz, let them struggle for about a whole 30 minutes break their legs and let the zombies eat the shit out of them.
  14. Elite Skydaz

    Why don't more players play like this?

    Ghillie Suit AS50 is an exact hacker loadout, when you open up your hacker gui (Public Items) one of the selective loadouts are Sniper and that's the loadout you have; A Ghillie Suit and an AS50.
  15. My favorite is, get a hatchet and ambush everyone you see. I've even taken out squads with this tactic, and also while I do this I run people over with my truck.
  16. Elite Skydaz

    My First Hacker Kill

    That is the truth, killing a hacker.... is like killing the hulk with a foam stick; it's impossible. They're always using godmode.
  17. Elite Skydaz

    Why do you like being a bandit?

  18. What's your favorite gun? Have a specific place to find them, and the best place to get ammo for them? Makarov Ammo - Everywhere
  19. Interersting topic for eternity potion GO!
  20. Elite Skydaz

    Is this what you call a bandit?

    Who else agrees that the best killers only kill to make people rip their hair out? Like me, I'm only a bandit because I like to make people go "WHAT THE FUCK MAN, I JUST FOUND SOME FUCKING MOUNTAIN DEW." Answer to the OP's question: Yes, that's a good bandit. Your just a dumbass for being nice :D
  21. Elite Skydaz

    Time to share things about ammo :D

    My favorite weapon is the Crossbow, some call it lame I call it pure ninja. Secondly, I like to keep an AS50 in my pack at all times. I find most of my crossbow ammo from my victims, and now thanks from a friend. I can get my ammo, and AS50 in the location of.... ELEKTRO HILL. Go Bandits.
  22. Well Rocket if your out there in this crazy world, have the radio actually be a radio. It'll make my life so much easier, and a lot more exciting; probably even other people will feel the same way as I will.