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Juba (DayZ)

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About Juba (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Juba (DayZ)

    How to Get 32 Meat Pieces from One cow

    this a way to let Rocket knows about it :)
  2. Content Removed. 1 Point Warning PPS ( Moderator Control).
  3. Juba (DayZ)

    my Tent gone !!

    i meant after patching to , is it supposed to get rid of all tents placed before it ?
  4. Juba (DayZ)

    Tents issues

    anyone get "Save old camping tent" stuck to scroll command even if you are away from your tent ?. also i noticed a glitch which enables you to double the amount of tents you have. and once you place your tent you cant take it back as if its not yours. when "Saving old camping tent" get stuck , you cant save the items in other tents , one solution i found is to save items in Tent 1 then Abort, connect again and Save items in tent 2 then abort and so on.
  5. AKM now is the best weapon ever now its so SILENT!
  6. i searched hospitals,markets and ordinary houses i didn't find any. one of my friends is coughing for 2 days because he spent a night out in the open and got cold and we fear that he might infect us.
  7. i think we tried this yesterday with no luck , in which part in the map did you place your tent successfully ?
  8. i confirm this, we tried for nearly two hours to place our tents with no luck