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Everything posted by BigMuffin

  1. BigMuffin

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    Hi GoC Ingame name: BigMuffin Steam Name: IOwnNoobsDaily Age: 16 Mic: Yup Preferred role: Assault Timezone: GMT-5 (East Coast US) How often do you play a day and at what times: I can play 4-11pm but need at least an hour or two to get a shower in and homework done. I can work around it to fit your guys needs/wants. Experienced player who would love to play with and contribute to GoC. :) NOTE: Just in case it matters, I carry an M4A3 CCO and PDW. I have an AS50 that I would gladly give to a clan member who knows how to use it. I suck at sniping, hence my preferred role of assault. Just to show you that I would be dedicated, yeah, I'd give it away :D edit: My bad with double post, there, accident =X
  2. BigMuffin

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    Hi GoC Ingame name: BigMuffin Steam Name: IOwnNoobsDaily Age: 16 Mic: Yup Preferred role: Assault Timezone: GMT-5 (East Coast US) How often do you play a day and at what times: I can play 4-11pm (during the weekdays) but need at least an hour or two to get a shower in and homework done. I can work around it to fit your guys needs/wants. And pretty much all day during the weekends, whenever you guys want I can hop on. Experienced player who would love to play with and contribute to GoC. :)