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About [email protected]

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  1. Hey there. This all sounds great. I always play with a mate but lately we've got fed up with the hacker teleporting etc. on the public hive. Seems unavoidable now. Really annoying when you've played 3 or 4 days straight to get an M14 and some frags and all of a sudden you're on an island miles out to sea! (happened last night) lol I've read the information on your website and all seems straight forward. Just wanted to ask how many players do you get normally in the evenings? We're UK also so normally play between 8pm and 12am about 4 evenings a week plus the odd daytime session. So if you're happy to have another 2 genuine, honest but sometimes murderous ;-) UK survivors then we'd love to join
  2. this thread is dumb! Lmao To the original poster, maybe if you didn't keep playing on those redneck servers... you know how they like them a good lynchin' Try a european server, we're a bit more equal about who we shoot. Personally I'm always on the look out for the French.. I like to blast them froggies
  3. if you put stuff in a friend's tent and save it will your stuff be lost after server restart? does the tent 'owner' have to save the tent as well in order to keep all the stuff?
  4. Dell Latitude Latest Gen Core i5 8GB DDR3 ram on board Intel HD graphics
  5. water bottle is a good suggestion, could refill it as well, just like a canteen. On a side note: I think it's dumb how you can't drink from a water pump or a pond unless you have a canteen, surely you should be able to do that, makes sense
  6. I prefer the DMR. There is more ammo around for it and it's easier to use, the scope is a bit better. The SVD is cool but I have it in my backpack as secondary main weapon and I don't have a ghillie right now so it kinda doesn't go with my civilian clothing, lol
  7. Yep Based on purely your spec I'd say you could play on mostly default with one or two high settings enabled. The game will look pretty nice, run nice and you'll be getting sniped by bandits before you know it ;-)
  8. Not really sure dude. From what I can see on wiki p I think the game engine has been patched over the years to improve it's usage of modern day multi core CPU's and 64 bit OS's (the engine is technically about 10 years old). I am not sure what the CPU vs GPU load is when the game is running but all I know is it runs fine for me, without a dedicated video card on Default and Low settings. I have tried turning the settings up high and it all renders fine but it's unplayable.
  9. Agreed! [Edit] on reasonable game settings obviously ;-) I'll post my in game video settings later but just make sure you do the regular stuff like setting windows power plan to Ultra Performance, making sure you have the latest video drivers installed, keep the laptop plugged into mains while playing, and don't have any other processor or memory hogging applications running at the same time. I play with skype running and also a chrome window open.
  10. To be honest there is occasional graphical lag but not much that would affect you being able to shoot something. My processor and ram must do a good job of making up for the lack of graphical power. What is your exact machine spec?
  11. .... p.s. there's a lot of snobbery among 'mod' gamers who will spout nonsense about mods not being for casual gamers and that you need specialist machines to play... This game is easy to install, easy to get into for casual gamers and you do NOT need a gaming spec machine to play it. The amount of people who buy their first graphics card and think that makes them a pro gamer.... lmao
  12. I am playing Day Z quite nicely on my off the shelf, Dell Core i5, 8gb ddr3 ram laptop with on board Intel HD 3000 graphics. The game is very playable and I enjoy it a lot. Yep you have to have the settings down quite low and there's a bit of lag now and then but generally it is absolutely fine and very payable. I even ran video capture software at he same time last night and it still played well. Just make sure you have the latest video driver installed and tweak the settings to make the best of your machine. I'll dig out my exact settings later and post them back here
  13. One time I found 2 CZ's in one session, nice rifle to use, made a kill or two with it. Not sure I've ever had an AS 50 although my playing partner has one