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Everything posted by danpaluck@gmail.com

  1. I'll be playing dayz for a while today im sitting in the waiting room on the ts
  2. Age: 16 How Long Have You Been Playing DayZ: Since it came out Special Skills: Am good at surviving, can pilot aircraft Will You Be Loyal and Respectful: of course Skype: Rubixmaster5567 Youtube: Rubixmaster5567 (Gaming Channel with about 300 subs)
  3. Name: Daniel Age: 16 How long have you been playing dayz?: Since it came out Timezone: GMT-6 (Mountain Time) Bandit/Hero?: Closer to hero but love to kill (mwahahaha) How Active: Almost Everyday Skype: Rubixmaster5567 Youtube: Rubixmaster5567 (Gaming Channel about 300 subs)
  4. danpaluck@gmail.com

    Banned for No Reason?

    i just got on a server and i was greeted with this message: Battleye Global Ban #: aec6 help? -Rubix
  5. danpaluck@gmail.com

    I Got Banned By a Hacker URGENT

    i was recently banned on a server by a hacker. what happened was i just got on a server, and as soon as i got on it says i was globaly banned :( can you please unban me because i love this game so much and play everyday with my friends. GobalEye Ban #: 3065 email me at: danpaluck@gmail.com or on here