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Everything posted by Ghoul_Life

  1. Ghoul_Life

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    Mhm... okay... alright. So, is it going to be released this month?
  2. As the title says. Sorry! (1.7.7) If any of you mods/admins could help with the title.
  3. Ghoul_Life

    Things About The Mod That Suck Thread

  4. Ghoul_Life

    Things About The Mod That Suck Thread

    True dat brotha.
  5. Ghoul_Life

    Hey... IED

    Same bitches attacked me. I went Rambo with a M16 on them, kicked their asses before a sniper killed me.
  6. Ghoul_Life

    how to apply bandit and hero skins

    Maybe the DayZ mod could.
  7. Ghoul_Life

    Is there crafting yet? (1.7.7)

    Alright Thanks!
  8. Ghoul_Life

    DayZ 1.7.7.Dev Bug List

    @3. = I could set up a tent. @4. = Yeah, it is.
  9. Ghoul_Life

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Yeah, the OP did. But if you read my question there is something there that the OP didn't explain and neither did anyone else. I have DayZ Commander and Play withSix. I also have already figured it out, bye.
  10. Ghoul_Life

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Wow, so now you are deleting my posts? I'll just be watching the clan/group section for now till the SA comes out. No boring mods or admins on that.
  11. Ghoul_Life

    The 1.7.7 update favorites

    You don't have to buy it.
  12. Ghoul_Life

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Thanks for the help! Just kidding, thanks for no help.
  13. So... youtubers like me would be given keys (probably at a price) early?
  14. We are a small group (only four so far) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/138355-the-last-of-us-now-recruiting/
  15. Ghoul_Life

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Why is no-one helping me?
  16. Ghoul_Life

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Alright, so I'm at Libraries> Documents > ArmA 2 What do I do? I downloaded the patch and dropped them in there. How do I install it? or is it already installed. It is still in the .rar file.
  17. Ghoul_Life

    I am done [Bandit Suggestion]

    Does JSparks spam much? Like, posting the same thing twice? For one. For two, I kinda like the idea of depression, sounds coo. Other than that, my suggestion to you OP is stay away from people unless you know that they are friendly. Having a lot of bandits in the game make it feel so good when you find someone that helps you. I usually make 'em drop their weapon or something before they heal me or I heal them.
  18. Ghoul_Life

    Is the standalone have new clothes?

    Is it just me or does anyone else think they're talking to G000gle's profile picture...
  19. How much humanity do you need for Bandit and Hero?
  20. Ghoul_Life

    DayZ Standalone: Rivers!

    One word: Sharks
  21. Ghoul_Life

    How do I update DayZ?

    I have Play withSix and I'm trying to update DayZ to 1.7.7, is it even out yet? If so, then how do I update?
  22. Ghoul_Life

    How do I update DayZ?

    Oh-oh-oh, okay, thanks!
  23. The Last of U.S. Rules Guess what! No rules. That's right, not even a freaking age limit. We are just looking for people to have fun with and have a good time. Members Ghoul Chupacabra Jared (Possible) Blair (Possible) Servers playing We'll update when we are playing currently [DEATH_BY_DEFAULT]- DayZChernarus (,103419)REGULAR CH:OFF-GMT-8-500+ Vehicles- 24Hr- Custom loadout | DayZ.ST = Moderate Playing DayZ - US2253 (v1.7.6.1/BETA103419) [REGULAR][GMT+10][Active Admins] dayzmod.com - servers.VigilantAddiction.com = Moderate Playing = Actively Playing = ALL MEMBERS MARKED WITH (POSSIBLE) JOIN THIS TO SEE IF WE ARE PLAYING ATM (at the moment) Application Name: Age: Timezone: Do you have a mic: Anything you think we should know: *EXAMPLE* Name: Ghoul Age: 12 Timezone: (UTC-09:00) Alaska Do you have a mic: Yes Anything you think we should know: I may shoot you in the back but don't take it seriously. Side Note This is a GROUP not a CLAN this will not be large (over 7 players). We stick together and kick ass, sometimes we go solo and sometimes we turn back to save our buds. REMEMBER=WE ARE JUST HERE TO HAVE FUN, NO SERIOUS SHIT. You might be wondering "Where the hell is his TS or Skype?!" I got a answer for ya. I don't have a TS server and Skype can kiss my ass. We'll just try to find each other the fun way. We DO NOT use TS or Skype. News Debating group name. = We are debating the group name, it is currently: The Last of U.S. the U.S. standing for United States. But we would like y'alls input/opinion on a better one :) .
  24. Ghoul_Life

    The Last of U.S. (now recruiting!)

    Okaybe, we'll see if ya suit the boot! As I said before, we we'll not use Skype or TS3, we use in-game chat. Join one of those three servers on the first post and check for Ghoul or Chupacabra when you join the game.