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About utraque

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Look, I think we understand why the devs wanted to go for this. That said, I'm being forced to take a hiatus from my character because my temps bar keeps dropping. Inexplicably. I can be running at full tilt -- in the middle of a sunny day -- for a half hour and my body temperature continues dropping. That, of course, defies logic. To make no mention of the roundabout way of rectifying this issue; namely, plunging into towns to find firewood when, to quote a fellow player, "this island is made out of wood." Anyhow, I kindly request that the devs reset people's temp bars until they get this system worked out. Otherwise, I'll be gone for a week -- no need to lose my long worked for m16 203 because I "froze" to death in the noonday sun...