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Everything posted by Leadon77

  1. Leadon77

    What are your BIGGEST issues in the game?

    My biggest annoyance's The fact that zombies phase through walls, fences and everything else so you never can lose them. You can see a flashlight outside when someone is using it inside...like the wall doesn't exist...spooky, but easy to find others. WHY CAN'T I HIT ANYTHING WITH A MELEE WEAPON!!!!!!! I've found 27 backpacks a couple, handfuls of ammo, some disinfectant spray,but have yet to find anything gun like...
  2. Leadon77

    Cannabis, Cannibalism and Carnage

    HILARIOUS. take it for what it is, a parody!
  3. Leadon77

    Random Military AI

    This idea kinda makes sense with some random zed encounters this could get interesting. There's lots of possibilites and also a chance for some great encounters. Would create a third aspect to the game, but also cause some confusion unless it's a squad that got left behind...
  4. X-military now, I served 7 years in the US ARMY as an M1series armor creman, spent most of my time as a gunner, then the last year as a tank commander.
  5. Leadon77


    I'm saying the actual game has no girl skins, the standalone will. ARMA II was made as a military simulator, and as such there's not many female's in the game. The mod just built on this existing game. Sorry i agree it sucks but the SA will be immensly more satisfying for all female gamers. If I offended with my previous comment I appologize I was not implying your a guy, I was saying I know alot of men that play female characters, rather poorly I suppose.
  6. Leadon77


    ^ GIRL=Guy In Real Life I think this issue will be resolved in the SA, the mod doesn't really have alot of options for the female char since there are not alot of them in the actual ARMA game..
  7. Leadon: I've used this name for a little while now, I was a gunner on a 1Lt's track, and as such I was in charge of the track anytime he wasn't around. The crew would always tell me to "lead on" and it stuck with me from one unit to the next. While in Iraq I learned that my men looked to me to "lead on". So now I use the term to show respect to others and let them know to "leadon".
  8. Leadon77

    I'm going to live Dayz

    If your in the states the local Fred Meyer may carry Heinz beanz. I found some in a couple local stores here too.
  9. Played on this server the other day, great gameplay, great sim, excellent admins! Very active server, and admins. The admins are quick to take care of hackers, and very helpful.
  10. Awesome i must apply first, So with time in service do i get an immediate promotion? I spent 7 years in the ARMY E6 highest grade, spent in tanks, as a Gunner and TC, then served 1.5 years in Baghdad working with infantry. I'll be applying in about 30 minutes. Thanks for the reply.
  11. Leadon77


    With the implementation of disease and blood borne pathogens this would be very bad for the wielder of the saw...
  12. Ya you'll be fine playing it should get you around 45FPS in larger cities.
  13. Yes 16GB is better, but I think that chip will support 1600 speed RAM which would be better for gaming. I'd look to see how much it would cost to get some real gaming RAM 16GB @ 1600. In my opinion Samsung RAM is garbage.
  14. Will it play it yes, but you already knew that....the RAM is slow and cheesy though
  15. Leadon77

    Hard Copy of DayZ?

    I know limited edition comes with a bandage, flashlight, and a bottle of pain killers.....
  16. Interesting take on survival. Disease's will just cause one more area of paranoia amongst survivors. It's going to be fun trying to find everything and stay alive. And with the random water/food sources etc being contaminated do you trust that canteen you just found on that body...how bout the jacket you found laying in a house. I see people setting traps by leaving infected items laying in loot areas for people to grab....
  17. Leadon77

    Build Rolling Update

    Rocket there's still the option of solar powered street lamps which many cities are switching to for cost effective lighting. I'm sure your familiar with it and hope you look into this as a possibility for at least providing some lighting for the city's or rural areas...alot of farms around here use them for access roads. There's also quite a few her in the city I live in.
  18. So I'm just trying to find a list of official Dayz merchants and I'm not coming up with anything that says what companies/entities have rights to the "DAYZ" name. Can anyone help me out here. I see alot of merchandise that has the DAYZ logo on it and looks good but I can't find if it's official or not. How can you tell an unofficial merchant from an official one? Is there a list somewhere that BIS has approved the use of the name to those sites. I don't wanna give money away to unofficial suppliers since the money doesn't make it back to Rocket. Anyone wanna help me out here?
  19. Leadon77

    Official vs Unofficial Merch

    I'm still waiting for an answer from the marketing dept at BIS for a list of approved vendors/merchants, and also what it takes to become one. I already have a small printing company designing shirts for another site I help run so marketing/site/designs are in place if I can get a license to sell Official DayZ materials I'll let you all know.
  20. Leadon77

    Build Rolling Update

    Dang reddit is blocked here at work...wish I could read that oh well maybe tonight when I get home... Thanks
  21. Leadon77

    Remove all the thermal stuff (solved)

    New update no more thermal! Discussion has an answer!
  22. Leadon77

    Build Rolling Update

    The lighting may bring more players to stay on 1 server instead of jumping around finding only daylight servers is my only thought on this one. More people would run through the city's during the night if there was a bit of lighting, In my humble opinion. I like the rest of the updates too, excited to see some form of lighting for local areas besides chem's, flares, and flashlights. Maybe a generator with a lamp? Something to brighten up the darkest nights....
  23. Leadon77

    Build Rolling Update

    Hydroelectric at the "dams" could be one thing. The lights around here are all on solar power with battery back ups. But then again who's replacing the bulbs in them when they get shot out?
  24. Leadon77

    Build Rolling Update

    Why no street lights? It would make sneaking around a city at night more interesting having to plan a route to avoid light.
  25. Here's the best one I've found http://dayzdb.com has many of the maps and slowly is adding different weapons/items. The maps are a spoiler though, they have loot spawns etc.