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Everything posted by Leadon77

  1. Leadon77

    Do you trust Rocket's vision?

    Okay so your a literal person so I'll make it simple. Realistic in what I meant means you have to eat, drink, and not just kill everything in sight. This game takes a learning curve and even then it continues to evolve much like life. I understand it's a game I didn't say that I prefer it to be real life just that the more realistic a game like this is the more you immerse yourself into it. Realistic is what a simulator aims for which is what ARMA II is a simulator, DayZ is built as a mod to a simulator.
  2. So basically I'm a horrible player, playing over a couple months and I have yet to kill anybody...I guess I should just become a bandit...wait no that would make this way too EASY!!!! Try a challenge try to work with someone to accomplish something. I get killed often but I've helped out alot of players too. I've been a target to help my friends get out of range of some camper in cherno, I've blown up camps of duped weapons, spent time collecting gear so friends could gear up at set locations, and I've never done anything more than knock a player out and then bandage him for shooting at a friend.
  3. Leadon77

    Do you trust Rocket's vision?

    Rocket never said that was a new feature...he said it's an interesting thought. Realistic=better game in my opinion. I'm tired of FPS that are cookie cutter. This game should be different and it already is. If you want a "fun" game that's great but don't start claiming that you know what's going to be in the standalone. Wait till it comes out or go play WARZ from what I hear it's everything your looking for anyways!
  4. Leadon77

    Trading my GPS for a ghillie suit and camping tents.

    So a ghillie for a gps....I can't spare the GPS is there anything else?? Thing's I can part with, Stanag ammo, DMR ammo, AIM ammo, 1911 ammo, maybe some enfield ammo (it's loud though).... But seriously you need 1 GPS hmmm let me see if my tents have reappeared tonight I may be able to help you out no trade needed...unless you find a taker sooner. (and no I haven't killed anyone in 3 months trying to make medic whitelist)
  5. Leadon77

    Do you trust Rocket's vision?

    Rocket keeps saying "Friendly" and he hasn't done anything to make me not trust that he is. He is one of the most open game developers I've ever come across, and on top of that he accepts input from the people that helped get his mod on top. I like the game for what it is right now and see the direction the standalone is headed and it seems to fit in with my expectations. So yes I trust his vision and think the game will be what I'm expecting
  6. Leadon77

    Glitches Back??

    Playing last night at the NWAF and noticed some graphics glitches again, settings haven't changed but updated to new patch. Anyone else having the same problem? Some specs on PC so that you know that's not it. CPU AMD 8150 @ 4.5GHZ GPU Gigabyte 6990 RAM G.Skill Sniper 1866 16GB
  7. Leadon77

    Muzzleeffect? Wha?

    interesting....maybe removing effect so you can't see muzzleflash at night....
  8. You hear a pop can open and reach for your axe You see a cow in a field and think you know how to gut it See an ATV in a open field and check for snipers then run up for a joy ride You yell "Friendly" before entering the bathroom You look next to the dresser for clean clothes instead of in it.
  9. Is this server being updated to the new patch released today???
  10. As many as you want until the server tells you to stop....
  11. Leadon77

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Hurry up server admins and update!!!! I wanna get this going....US SERVER ADMINS UPDATE YOUR DAMN SERVER!!!!!
  12. Leadon77

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Hooray been waiting to try this patch out...now can I use this as an excuse to get outta work....
  13. Sounds awesome will definetly check it out and share with my page.
  14. Leadon77

    Christmas patch?

    Better Idea turn all the zombies into Santa n his Elves, change 4 wheelers to snow mobiles and introduce a flame thrower that the person on the back of the snowmobile can use...now your talking christmas! Nothing wakes you up like the smell of Napalm in the morning..and the eeerie zombie screaming HO HO HO as he burns!!!!
  15. ya this is like the 100th time I've seen this, I've even tried to play it. Wouldn't work on my system, or any of the people that tried to play it when I asked others if they'd played it....so either this game is broken, or about 50 people all just had a moment of specialness.... Please someone tell me if this game actually works..it looks good and I'd love to do a review of it but it's still not working on my system and my system is top end. I'm using Chrome is that the problem? CPU: AMD 8150 GPU: Gigabyte 6990 RAM: G.Skill Sniper 1866 16GB HDD: 2 OCG Agility 3 SSD's
  16. I agree with both of the admins! None of the above are correct install methods!
  17. Fraggle, thanks! If you do get back into it let me know I'd love to run a couple missions with you sometime! So let's see my buddy is going the way of the bandit...and I'm gonna go medic...so he shoots em and I fix em...sounds like a great team...confuse the hell out of people sounds like a good time!
  18. So how's one make the medic team? I did this while in Iraq, I loved the combat medic role, I was in the fight and also ready to help out my brothers. I did have the support of a full fire team however....
  19. The reason usually stems from lack of care, respect, or knowledge of the creator.
  20. I normally find a nice quiet spot to log out but when my kids need me they need me, and yes they have caused numerous of my deaths. I'm just trying to figure out if I need to worry about being labeled a combat logger if I log out while my friends are killing zeds in a building or not...basically as I understand it as long as I don't ALT F4 then it doesn't say I combat logged. Thanks for the clarification
  21. Awesome thank you for that answer that's what I was wondering so the long logout still will allow you to exit but alf F4 is locked got it! Awesome that's kinda what I've been wondering if all logout attempts are locked or just the quick quit. I've never used alt F4 but should I ever find myself teleported to a thunderdome I'd like an option to logout at least. (even though I'm sure I'm already dead either way)
  22. Okay I got the ALT F4 thing I get that...I'm wondering if someone's throwing chemlights in front of a building I'm in and I hit esc and log that way is it going to show a combat log?
  23. Thank you for that response. So if you have an inactive admin a hacker is going to be a problem(no matter what) this just makes it a bit more difficult to log out. But the standard logout still works and doesn't show you as a combat logger correct....