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Everything posted by Leadon77

  1. Leadon77

    PC build for studio

    Thanks I'm not BS'ing but whatever you can look up the actual phenom, and how Frequency Modulation really works not my problem and have fun. And if people who do what your claiming you do have no clue what your on about, then i think I'd side with the majority and say you don't know what your on about... So your getting that much distance honestly are you using directional broadcast antenae? Oh and most stations here in the states us 40Kw transmitters...but hey I'm sure 5Kw is more right... Sorry but i majored in Telecommunications before I got my BA so I have alot of knowledge here since I worked on FM antenae, and broadcast equipment while I was attending college I also worked on modernizing Idaho's cellular towers to digital signal. So before you say I'm BSing maybe you should research FM signals and how they work. Here since I like to be helpful and it's on topic perhaps this site can help you http://www.fmcomputerguys.com/
  2. Leadon77

    Remove Teamspeak.

    Zombies can hear you talking try it sometime if your using in game local speak then they hear you talk to your buddy me and a friend expieremented with it calling a zombie back and forth between us.
  3. Leadon77

    Cheaters: Busty Bullets and EXinar

    I wanna see the video where is it??? That video being yours....just waiting away now...
  4. Leadon77

    Remove Teamspeak.

    I have yet to find a game that blocks 3rd party VOIP programs...and if this game you speak of has then it's something no one else has done for a reason. Teamspeak, ventrilo, mumble, and so many others all are voip along with skype. Now then there's a reason no other games block them either from lack of wanting to or the fact that they'd need to lock every port on your computer for the internet to try to stop it. if a game tries blocking my ports I won't play it.....
  5. Leadon77

    PC build for studio

    Actually what happens is your FM signal does degrade but what your experiencing is more like this: FM reciever employ a special detector for FM signals and exhibit a phenomenon known as the capture effect, in which the tuner "captures" the stronger of two stations on the same frequency while rejecting the other (compare this with a similar situation on an AM receiver, where both stations can be heard simultaneously). However, Frequency drift or a lack of selectivity may cause one station to be overtaken by another on an adjacent Channel. This is why many stations are working on upgrading to a digital signal much like cell phones have done. Less chance of hijacking and "cross talk".
  6. Leadon77

    PC build for studio

    Gotcha so Pirate radio and you need a board. So hijacking towers to spread your broadcast further...FCC in America would hang you but hey have fun with that over there. The boards are highly propriatary in that field, your gonna either need a few computers linked through a central hub or to run basically a quad CPU server. Otherwise your never gonna get enough performance outta 1 CPU to run everything your wanting. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but that's why they design special boards for Broadcast purposes. You may be lucky and get a "special" use permit so you can order a legit board or check the local college (university) to see if they have any old broadcasting equipment they no longer use with the internet taking over some colleges don't use FM to broadcast anymore but still have the old hardware. If all else fails then start trying out some of the forums for FM broadcasting there should be some pirates there that can aide you in appropriating a board.
  7. Leadon77

    PC build for studio

    So your looking for a PC for a station broadcast or to isolate sounds? By other countries you mean your close to a border and they can hear you in that country right because FM signal degrades rapidly as you distance yourself from the source, unless your hijacking signal repeaters.... (oh and i didn't get a BA in Electronics Engineering by not knowing things about electronics)
  8. So the problem is obvious...if a guy made the same video and put "Guy Gamer" in the title this would be gone in less than a page, but girl was in the title so here we are page 2...and counting. Guys let's face it girls game, we know, but putting girl in the title appears to beg for attention, and if you look anywhere any girl gamer will get a 6:1 viewer following over a guy. We as men should be better but damn those feminine guiles they will get us everytime. Just disappointed in men in general I think I'm gonna start calling myself a girl gamer in all my forum posts. I'll surely get more responses.
  9. Leadon77

    Sufficient To Play?

    Uhm not seeing your PC specs...
  10. Leadon77

    I want the game, but want to wait!

    Does that explain why your so broke all the time?
  11. Leadon77

    Does this look good for runing DayZ?

    I run win 7 on my 64Gb SSD and it boots under 30 seconds with all start ups running, I'm ready to game in under a minute. Just don't defrag the SSD it works different than a HDD. It's actually better to run OS on a SSD, since they are alot more reliable now then they have been in the past.
  12. Leadon77

    Does this look good for runing DayZ?

    Very nice system!!! I'm jealous and my system is new also...but for the cost of this I could build 4 more of mine
  13. Leadon77

    Is my friend's laptop ok?

    It's meh the 4GB memory is bad, AMD E1-1200 processor is crap win 7 is better, and the hard drive is great... keep the drive, get more memory and scrap the rest
  14. Leadon77

    Will I run at max settings?

    If you can go bigger on the Ram maybe and what speed is the RAM? I run a AMD 8150 @ 4.5Ghz with G.Skill Sniper 1866 16Gb RAM and a Gigabyte 6990 I run max @ between 60 and 45 FPS depending on location in Cherno. I'd say High for you but not Max...
  15. Leadon77

    Is server hopping bad?

    Just for vehicle's/loot/etc ya...for lag/hackers/horrid admins no
  16. Desktop depends on your needs. AMD is cheaper and ATM faster, Intel is better for video editing/hyperthreading. I like AMD and the new AMD 8350 is top. Graphics is really a preference that most people can decide on their own but I like this comparison. http://graphics-cards-review.toptenreviews.com/ I have the 6990 and it's awesome..big but awesome. Liquid cooling is also a good way to go. Corsair makes great closed loop systems.
  17. Alienware or other I prefer other... CPU is big on ARMAII but with the standalone coming out it's hard to say. Laptops do however make it difficult/impossible to upgrade your graphics card which is important for a majority of your gaming needs. Alienware IMHO are not "high end" anymore. They used to be great but I've seen some serious heat/performance issues with them lately They do have the best Gaming Laptop atm but for the cost you could build 3 towers that would outperform it. http://computers.toptenreviews.com/gaming-laptops/ But your choice.
  18. Alot of people still don't know about ARMA or DayZ
  19. Leadon77

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Well the last part not completly...we know some things just nothing about dogs... and is a mod not a game...do you not "play" a game or a mod...so are they not one in the same...ARMA II is the game foundation DayZ is the mod yes but it's still a game isn't it?
  20. Leadon77


    @Demongroover, Yes they are fairly quite you just hear the twang on the string really. It makes a tiny bit of noise but not enough to alert much and usually too late as the bolt travels fast.
  21. Leadon77

    People overreacting about Namalsk?

    Trying this map tonight sounds insane...can't wait!!!!
  22. I'm bothered that Mtn. Dew is so rare....it should be very common...that's it I'm suing for discrimination against my favorite drinks...I found no Mr. Pibb, no Code red Dew......wth do these things just cease to exist? (btw this post is purely in jest and should not be taken seriously by anybody, including that 1 troll that will take it seriously even after reading this)
  23. Think maybe the server could be closing and if you have a tent there then you need to clean it out "by then or lose stuff".... maybe?
  24. Leadon77

    lee enfield in the nwa

    So basically I'm wrong for running for the NWAF on a fresh spawn? Cool I seem to do fine, get there grab a gun kill zed's/PVP head for a new location run for a bit die do it all again. So far got a AS50, FN FAL, several M4's and AK's, some shotguns, Rocket launcher, and a few other items stashed in some tents around cherno now...seems that wrong=right....
  25. Leadon77

    Do you trust Rocket's vision?

    I appologize. I thought you were trying to flame...I'll edit it and yes more immersion would be nice but I think making a hero deficate or any such actions would ruin the game for me. Getting sick not so much of a game breaker just another twist, many things I don't like but I do like at the same time. Animals that dont run when you shoot at them, or run up to them kinda kills it for me too...or the random roll-over on an atv also.