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About whiskeypete

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. whiskeypete

    So how do you open the can of beans?

    In dayZ Russia, beans eat YOU!
  2. whiskeypete

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Beautiful logic. No - keep it in because not everyone is as dumb as this guy.
  3. Try deleting the contents of your @dayz server and then use dayz commander to re-download and apply the latest version
  4. Update: Removing DayZ Anti-Hax 0.5 from the server fixed the issue.
  5. Likewise. I've updated arma and dayz versions to latest on both server and client, yet I after I log into the server I am told it is running 2.5 (it has never ran 2.5, only 2.4 and now 2.6). wtf.