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John (DayZ)

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Everything posted by John (DayZ)

  1. John (DayZ)

    Water purification!

    All right, so, they removed the ability to fill your water canteens in the ocean. This makes sense, right? Saltwater is no good - it can induce vomiting in large enough quantities, and dehydrates you - something that you typically want to avoid when you are already dying of thirst! Even our current water sources - wells and ponds/rivers - are dangerous enough in the real world, as they can be contaminated by sewage runoff, tributaries leading to the open sea, or even animal pathogens. Nasty stuff, really. This leads us to the following question: how do you purify undrinkable water? Well, there are many simple solutions to that answer. I, for one, wouldn't mind seeing a randomized system in which drinking water found in lakes or wells may be contaminated - forcing survivors to pick and choose when to use their purification methods on their water, or risk drinking impure water and suffering ill side effects. The most common method of water purification that I know of is boiling. It isn't cool and refreshing afterwards, but it kills off a large portion of bacteria and other contaminants, rendering impure water drinkable. Another method comes in the form of iodine tablets! They can be bought in bulk in large kits in camping and survival stores, come in the form of crystals or small tablets, and, once dropped in a smaller source of water, can purify the majority of the contaminants in the water. So, why not give campfires the ability to boil water as well? Or add an iodine tablet object in-game? Surely, in a place with so many wooded forests and mountains, camping would be an excellent pass time for tourists and natives alike - and, thus, camping stores would be present, leading to iodine tablets scattered about for use by survivors in our post-apoc wasteland! Another point I was considering was that these methods might render saltwater drinkable. I'm fairly sure that this would be highly scientifically incorrect, but, it's a game - I can't perform a blood transfusion in the wilderness, can I? Well, finding a rare iodine tablet drop would make it easier for you to obtain water - simply fill from the ocean and purify it! Maybe they could come in packs of eight, each pack taking up one inventory slot? I'm kinda brainstorming here, and it's 2 AM for me, so - somebody throw up some thoughts on the matter?
  2. John (DayZ)

    Graphics Card

    To be fair, if he can run Arma2Free at a bearable framerate, he'll be able to run Arma II on high; there are certain benchmark restrictions in the demo that actually make it run about half as well as the full version of ArmA II. Go figure. Here's the thing, BlueBuds: ArmA II suffers from poor optimization for the PC (which is kinda funny, since that's the only thing it's been released on), but at the same time, has a massive, highly detailed map, and excellent graphics. So while I can actually max out Skyrim at 45-50 FPS, I have to run DayZ on high to keep it smooth, as well as shutting down shadows (personal preference, actually), anti-aliasing, and post-processing. Another thing worth noting: ArmA II runs better than DayZ. Why? I'm not 100% sure. The zombies and extra objects may be the reason, considering Rocket himself stated that, currently, DayZ basically pushes the ArmA II engine to - or possibly beyond - its limits.
  3. Oh, no, man. I totally understand what you're saying (well, for the most part). I just can't take you seriously when you're trying to passionately argue a point in a language that you don't have a firm grasp on - and, based on some of the replies to your posts (i.e., anybody that isn't Greek laughing hysterically at you), I'd say that I'm not the only one. Let me ask a question that's been bothering me for a while: if Greek national authorities didn't want random passersby taking photos of their military installations, why were they built out in the open, less than a hundred feet from a major road, in the middle of a city? I mean, to be frank, if this conflict with Turkey is as serious as many Greeks claim it is, I don't understand how they haven't already taken over your country. From the sounds of it, a man could very easily map out all of your military bases - as well as counting out troops, noting scramble times, cataloging equipment, etc. - by climbing onto the rooftop of a nearby apartment. I mean, let's be real - how can you blame anybody but yourselves for that? Yeah, it's a crime to take photos of areas of American military bases that require security clearance to enter - but we like to keep those areas in places that you can't generally snap photos of from a road fifty feet away. Mostly because we're not idiots.
  4. John (DayZ)

    Banned from a server.

    As far as I'm concerned, you're arguing my point for you; clearly, you're emotionally biased, because only the potential threat of being suspended from the forum is keeping you from verbally lashing out at me - and for what? Not sharing your opinion? Does it bother you so much that other people have views that don't intersect with or run parallel to your own? The heart of the matter: you can't really provide a reason that players carrying hacked in weapons are also cheaters besides (and these are just some colorful examples): "I said so!"; "It's obvious, duh!"; "If you don't understand, you must just be stupid!" ad infinitum - any series of words that absolve you of actually arguing your viewpoint. Clearly it isn't as clear-cut as you'd like to think, given simply by the fact that I, and others, disagree with you. Have a reasonable, rational, well thought-out argument for your position ready or don't have opinions, much less share them.
  5. John (DayZ)

    Banned from a server.

    Then it sounds like you don't have a particularly firm position to argue from.
  6. John (DayZ)

    Banned from a server.

    I think your opinion on this matter is just that - an opinion. Personally I don't particularly care if somebody uses a hacked in weapon if they didn't hack it in; I feel the argument that they are cheaters is equivalent to calling a hunter a gunsmith. He's got the rifle in his hands, doesn't he? Clearly he's the same as the man who made it. I will say, however, that you lot running your servers have been pretty brazenly defying the very short list of rules that DayZ server admins have to follow - and you've been doing it for months now. To be frank, I can barely be bothered to care, but I'm very surprised that your servers haven't been blacklisted for what I consider to be flouting your "power" in Rocket's face. Hey, whatever, though.
  7. This happened to me in a helicopter once. I could actually still equip and fire my gun, though it only fired it straight up; the way I fixed it was shooting to attract zombies, letting them cause me to bleed, killing them, and then bandaging. It snapped me out of the animation. Not sure if that's possible in your situation.
  8. I'm not sure why you're so passionately convinced that anybody here is going to agree with an irate nationalist that barely speaks English. I don't believe that Ivan Buchta and Martin Pezlar should be released from Greek custody because they are the designers of a game that I will more than likely purchase; I believe that they should be released from Greek custody because to anybody with half of a functioning brain - and lacking the ultra-nationalist paranoia that many young Greeks possess - these two men are aggressively innocent. The fact that they are being detained at all, if it weren't so bleak, would be hysterical - and your country is perpetuating this farce.
  9. John (DayZ)

    [Video] The revolver is too weak (Random wayz part 19)

    Christ, this pisses me off beyond belief. All of the pistols have been "nerfed." I remember when the M1911 was a one shot kill - as you'd expect, 'eh? .45 caliber rounds are nothing to be trifled with. A solid shot to your center of mass has enough kinetic energy to stop you outright - and any human hit with a .45 is more than likely going to suffer hydrostatic shock. Very simple shit. Why Bohemia insists upon completely ruining their game - time after time - with a series of useless beta patches that fix quite literally fuck all eludes me, but it's been bothering me since day one, when Rocket forced us to use the beta patch to play DayZ, thus breaking the game for anything besides DayZ and vanilla ArmA II (ACE hasn't worked for me since).
  10. That is a very good question. I've done this hundreds of times, and still haven't isolated any common factors between each time I perform the animation - except that it seems to happen most often when I'm strafing and rotating my mouse.
  11. Not even a little bit. No, honestly, if you don't have a 50+ FPS I'd say it's probably that. It can slow you down very noticeably, for whatever reason. Certain people that I play with will often lag behind if their computers aren't up to the task of playing ArmA II (which is excessively CPU/GPU intensive). At any rate, that's the only thing I can think of, and probably the most likely answer. I can't see why any of you would just arbitrarily run slower than everyone else for absolutely no reason.
  12. John (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I'm not quite disappointed - more startled, in fact - that you don't seem to know what you've actually written, friend. I suppose Rocket being slated as "project lead" could very loosely be construed as an answer to my first question. My second question asks why DayZ, the mod, will still be functional. A bit of reading comprehension, 'eh?
  13. John (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    If you're dying every ten minutes, you just aren't good at this game. I've been alive for two weeks on my current character, and my friend has been alive for a fairly continuous 54 days. Also, this isn't the thread to be making comments about how the game is "broken."
  14. John (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I'm curious about two things: Is Rocket going to be given a team of coders to work alongside? I feel that the reason the mod is progressing so slowly (I'm sure many other veteran players will agree that it's growing stagnant, what with no real new features forthcoming in the last month or two - and nothing particularly gamechanging since the release of the mod) is because, every time Rocket releases a small new feature he manages to break the pernicious little engine that the mod is run on. Afterwards, he has to spend a good month releasing half a dozen hotfixes to weed out the numerous bugs produced by any minute progress he makes. If a team of other coders familiar with ArmA II/III's engine were working with him, fixing bugs and assisting with new features, development would be much faster. And, secondly: why will the mod continue to be developed alongside the standalone? Will they be markedly different games? If so, what's the inspiration to continue working on the mod, therefore dividing Rocket's attention between two separate entities? If not, why continue making the mod if the standalone is essentially the same thing? Ah, well. We'll know in good time, I imagine.
  15. John (DayZ)

    This game needs an anticheat

    Those of you laughing at him might want to reevaluate how much stock you place in BattlEye, which seems to be good only for kicking people for having a brief, millisecond long ping fluctuation one thousandth of a second over the maximum ping. Seriously, have you ever fucking seen BattlEye ban another user of its own accord? Rocket has used BattlEye to ban hackers. Server admins have banned hackers. I'll be Goddamned if I've ever actually seen BattlEye detect and remove a cheater. I mean, Jesus, fucking PunkBuster has a higher success rate than this garbage.
  16. John (DayZ)

    Fell over and died..

    This is actually a pretty common problem, completely unrelated to odd surfaces/trees/doors/stairs arbitrarily murdering you (which, for the record, is a problem stemming from Rocket's shoddy ass impact system - a function never placed in ArmA II and, clearly, for a very good reason). Just about anybody that's played this game can list off one instance where they were wandering about, possible in a high population area, maybe alone in a server in the middle of the woods, where they have literally just fallen right the fuck over and died. For no reason. At all. It's really strange.
  17. John (DayZ)

    Two Ways To Actually Fix the "Bandit Problem"

    Am I the only one that thinks a pretty Goddamn blatant way to end the 'Kill on Sight' issue (I do agree that it's gotten blown out of portion - only because so many of us have mastered the game and have literally no challenges besides hunting other players) is to start setting up features that allow us to hole up in buildings or compounds and actually survive? If I could wall off a section of houses, get a generator, store food in an icebox, and do tons of other neat ass shit, I wouldn't be too concerned with murdering other players. As it is, I have a Mk. 48, a ghillie suit, NVGs, a rangefinder, and a GPS: I have literally nothing else to acquire. I'm fucking done. What the hell else am I supposed to derive pleasure out of, besides the thrill of combat?
  18. I no longer count the days that pass; AM has warped my perception of time. Every second is an hour, every minute a year, every hour a millennium, every day an eon - time infinite. My body has become soft; gelatinous and inflexible. I cannot move; I cannot turn; I cannot laugh and I cannot cry. I have no mouth. I have no mouth, and I must scream.
  19. I completely understand. Until recently, I worked at a multi-national vehicular emissions control factory pulling in around $400 a week. I lost my job - as you said - because of more highly trained employees being put in my place during a large lay-off at the factory. Because I had only been working there a month (and despite the fact that everybody I knew liked me well enough, and I worked my ass off, a round 10-12 hours a night, five or six days a week), and a hired-on employee was going to be laid off, it was much easier to fire me and put somebody with more experience in my place. That's just how the world works now.
  20. It is difficult to both acquire and maintain a job in most countries in this day and age. The majority of Americans leaving high school can't afford to go to college, and a large percentage of college graduates still can't find jobs, even with their degrees. It's rough. Anybody saying otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about - or, more likely, is too young to understand exactly how hard it is right now.
  21. John (DayZ)

    Up gun damage

    The Mk. 48 Mod 0 is an unstoppable behemoth of death and destruction. Also, I think he's referring to the inexplicably nerf'd pistol damage. Personally, I'm getting tired of BI turning their own game into a pile of shit with their nonsensical, useless beta patches, but whatever. Either way, an M1911 now requires 2-3 shots to the body to kill a zombie, which makes zero sense. .45 caliber ammunition is used for stopping power. When you have to hit somebody three times to stop them, you have really low stopping power. derp
  22. John (DayZ)

    Zombie Speed

    I wouldn't consider crawling zombies; they're a subtype. They can be either or, depending on why they're crawling. As for the zombies in-game muttering human words - I've never heard it. I've heard them make human noises, but that's an issue with DayZ/ArmA II bugs, as far as I know.
  23. John (DayZ)

    Zombie Speed

    You're all really shitty with zombie lore. There are, in effect, two types of zombies: regular, shambling Romero zombies, and sprinting zombies. Yes, sprinters can still be zombies, you fucking tools. There have been a score of zombie films depicting agile, Usaine Bolt-esque zombies. Then there are films like 28 Days Later, where it portrays them as "infected." DayZ is the latter (though it's a bit fucked, in my opinion, because they're referred to as 'infected' when they are very clearly the living dead, Goddammit). At any rate, in terms of gameplay - having nothing to do with zombie lore, because why the fuck should it? - I believe zombie speed should be decreased. They aren't too hard, or anything, they just look fuckin' dumb. They sprint in zig-zaggy patterns, frequently stopping to stare at you because they keep hitting a proximity trigger by getting too close to you. It's absolutely silly.
  24. I completely understand where you guys are coming from, but you can't blame DayZ/Rocket for the hackers. You can and should blame the fuck out of Bohemia Interactive, though. For those of you that have been playing ArmA II for more than DayZ, or before DayZ was even around, you know that hackers have always been a huge issue - and have never fucking been addressed by BI. It's absolutely infuriating: between the shoddy, game-breaking beta patches, the unnecessarily complex and convoluted mission editor/bug report forums, and their complete and absolute inability to handle a problem as simple as a handful of script kiddies destroying their game (Punkbuster? Anyone? It's a pile of shit, but Goddamn if it ain't better than BattlEye). I mean, let's be real. BI is fucking Godawful. I love this game, but I feel like the majority of their team has absolutely no idea what they are doing, at all, ever. I'm sure I'm not the only one, and I know I'm not the only one that's tired of hackers, game breaking patches that don't actually introduce any new or useful content to the game, and whatever else is on the long list of annoying shit that happens with ArmA II. inb4 QQ quit crying don't play the game faggot
  25. John (DayZ)

    No Servers appearing on list

    Uh, I've been around when both DayZ and beta patch updates drop. I've never seen the entire server list shit itself and die in the process. It wouldn't make a lot of sense, either, would it? Rocket doesn't do anything to the servers when he updates DayZ, and neither does BI when they update the beta; they release the new patch, players install client-side files, and server hosts install server-side files. The servers should never actually go down throughout this process, not counting hosts who have to restart their servers to update them. It's not some catastrophic meltdown, no, but I don't see how it could be either of those things. My money is on the GameSpy master server dying like the little cumdumpster it is.