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Posts posted by soldierofmacro@hotmail.com

  1. lol people are so terrible at survial games.. or even any type of game were there is a gun in valved,  The minuet they cant PvE all day and not risk losing their cookies they jump on the forums and cry about KoS or this gun or that gun.. The fact is your just terrible and no one cares...

    AHHHH   it's PL......Run!!!!!!! 

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  2. You obviously still don't understand what I meant - maybe cut that fringe, it'll help you see better. 


    A lot of new people who haven't played the mod, will be playing Standalone. They will spawn on Balota and they will see an airstrip - the first thought that will come to their mind is to go and check it out. And they will end up with a bad first impression because of some guy who camped Balota and got an M4 from one of the barracks. This is not survival, this is almost like Overwatch. 


    Yep, they will get a good ol welcome to dayz, have a good day and learn quick to be careful and always watch your back.

  3. Typed Dayz into google and a recent ign article pops up saying you are depressed about the warz situtation. Dude, you have done a fantastic job! Enjoy the process, yes is stressful, but have fun doing it. It is hard work, but will pay off soon. As they say, there was a man that was digging for gold, he finally gave up right before he would have hit the motherload. Keep on digging, keep on with your vision, Dayz is fun and take some magnesium for that blood pressure=) Don't worry about Warz, I will take Dayz with the script kiddies anyday over warz.



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  4. The Kids are back in School....be a couple months before they are on Chistmas vacation. Came across 3 scipties in one day on langor map last week. I seriously do not understand why people get so much enjoyment out of it. The only reason I think they do is because they suck at the game... if they did not suck, there would not need for them to script and they could play the game for the challenge as it is.
