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About nizzar

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I left the game up and running the whole night and i starved to death :PPPPP now I can play again from the beginning with nothin :((((((
  2. Me and my friend got shot down, then we respawned, then they teleported back at us, they shot us again, bandaged us, put us in a car, teleported the car away somewhere in the desert. now we are unconcious in the desert with nothing. we shot them like 50 times i saw how they bleed each time i shot them but they didnt die :(((( plsss reset my ID my player ID: 71450310 Player name: CrowdControl and my friends ID: 70647430 player name: Ivapet can I get my gear back plsss AS50, L85 AWS, M9 SD, M9, NV goggles, Ghillie suit, coyote pack, some ammo i dont remember how many, entrancing tool, toolbox, binoculars, matchbox, hatchet, hunting knife, some food, 3 watter bottles, compass, map, GPS... My friend had: DRM, G17, M4A3 CCO, Map, compass Ghillie suit, coyote pack, some food some water, binoculars, matchbox, hatchet, hunting knife... we were gathering things now for 21 dayz :((((( check the photo Thank you
  3. We are unconscious and cant do anything, reseting only my position wont help, it does not seems that the water indicator is getting darker or the food
  4. Me and my friend got shot down, then we respawned, then they teleported back at us, they shot us again, bandaged us, put us in a car, teleported the car away somewhere in the desert. now we are unconcious in the desert with nothing. we shot them like 50 times i saw how they bleed each time i shot them but they didnt die :(((( plsss reset my ID my player ID: 71450310 Player name: CrowdControl and my friends ID: 70647430 player name: Ivapet can I get my gear back plsss AS50, L85 AWS, M9 SD, M9, NV goggles, Ghillie suit, coyote pack, some ammo i dont remember how many, entrancing tool, toolbox, binoculars, matchbox, hatchet, hunting knife, some food, 3 watter bottles, compass, map, GPS... My friend had: DRM, G17, M4A3 CCO, Map, compass Ghillie suit, coyote pack, some food some water, binoculars, matchbox, hatchet, hunting knife... we were gathering things now for 21 dayz :((((( check the photo Thank you
  5. Momentalne sme dvaja, Peto a ja (David) a hladame ludi co by si snami zahrali DayZ 18+!!!! a ziadne hackovanie!!!! Ked hrame tak: cez pracovny tyzen od 19-20tej do 22:00 +- cez vykendy a cez sviatky ako sa podari :) Este par otazok na vas: 1. Ako dlho hrate DayZ? 2. Aku zbran mate najradsej alebo ake zbrane? 3. Viete narabat s mapou a kompasom v DayZ? 4. Ste teamovi hrac? 5. Viete citat po Rusky? 6. Mate mikrofon? Ak mate zaujem nechajte mi odkaz tu alebo mi napiste na Skype: Nizzar27 alebo Steam: Nizzar27