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Everything posted by zillabunny

  1. I'm on day 18 now... this is by far my longest life, I have an offroad truck, AK Kobra, Night vision, Gullie suit, all the accessories, and tons of ammo... and now I am afraid to play. I only go out at night, check the barracks in the NW airfield and log out. I'm afraid to drive my truck for fear of being seen, and I'm afraid to go anywhere but the forests for fear of losing my night vision. I've grown too attached to my gear and now I am literally too scared to lose it. Does anyone have any advice on how not to get gunned downed crossing a field or looting a house? Or any advice on how to get over my anxiety of actually driving my hard earned truck? I don't even hesitate if i see someone either... I just gun people down if they get in my field of vision, then I feel horrible about it cause they don't have even close to the gear I have. please help!
  2. zillabunny

    [Video] The moment I quit DayZ

    shoulda gotten an offroad truck, those go over bridges just fine
  3. zillabunny

    How do I play now that i'm fully geared

    how hard is it to get night vision?? I got mine from someone I killed??