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About HuskerLax18

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    On the Coast
  1. HuskerLax18

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    Best way to move forward: Have these be the "off-brand" of food/drink, and they have spoiled, so if you eat them, you get sick/poisoned. This keeps the cans in the game, but is a slight nod to the "controversy" over having them in. Only way you know that those are bad food is if you've been paying attention to the game development.(Never post in the official game guide that these are spoiled foods, etc).
  2. HuskerLax18

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    To get your debug monitor back, press ESC, go to Game Options, then change the HUD to "Debug". Do note that this is apparently having issues right now showing your thirst, hunger and whether or not you are bleeding. If you stick with "Default" which gets rid of the Debug monitor, but shows hunger/thirst/blood, you will be able to tell if you're hungry or not. Also, still got some graphics errors/artifacts, but I think it was coming from a tank trap? I was on a private hive server that had just updated, and the firehouse in Cherno gave off the artifacting, but as soon as I got to a tank trap someone had placed at the bottom of the ladder to the roof (jerk) it was gone. So my guess is it was coming from there? I was able to run through the middle of Cherno with the dead bodies and had no issues!
  3. HuskerLax18

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    I wouldn't mind barbed wire if you could actually remove it with the toolbox properly. Too many times I have the tools and can't get the damn stuff to come down. Obstacles in games are great as long as there is actually a way around them. Fix the "I can't remove this shit" issues, and it can stay. If that can't be resolved, get that crap out, imo.