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About exo.geni@hotmail.it

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  1. exo.geni@hotmail.it

    Alternative to adding in ragdolls

    Better do things properly. New animations/skeletons/ragdoll.
  2. exo.geni@hotmail.it

    Standalone and map sizes...

    I think that Chernarus should be expanded North/West, there is already a lot of space with nothing in there. Personally I would like to see a huge wild space North, and further North a fairly big city (I don't mind if it's just a copy/paste of cherno). Would be cool to have a goal that is far away, so that you can really enjoy your trip.
  3. exo.geni@hotmail.it

    smoking cigarettes?

    It would be worth to having it in game just for the fact that someone is going to smoke at night.
  4. exo.geni@hotmail.it

    SA Animations

    Looks like it takes a lot of time to fix animations, as Rcket said ( http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/17x78s/sa_the_new_development_video_looked_great_but_im/ ). Perhaps minor improvements like reducing acceleration when starting movements would help.
  5. exo.geni@hotmail.it

    SA Animations

    You're right, i just want to make sure that this aspect isn't underestimated, it has a huge impact in almost every aspect of the game.
  6. exo.geni@hotmail.it

    SA Animations

    I've just seen the new SA video ( http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/ ), love all the improvement, but i was expecting a little more in regard of Animations (Idle/moving) and Movement Speed. I would like to know if it's possible to use Arma III animations or if they're planning to improve it in another way. At this point, with all the goodness that's coming with the SA, i feel like animations are what really could give the game a radical, positive change. Just curious of what you think about it. (Sorry about my english .-. )
  7. exo.geni@hotmail.it

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Uhm, I'm a little disappointed about animations, I was expecting some improvements like in Arma III. IMO movement speed is way to fast, looks unrealistic and make it hard to move inside buildings.
  8. exo.geni@hotmail.it

    Why do you use 3rd person?

    Just adjust third person, everyone's happy.
  9. exo.geni@hotmail.it

    Y u no like having nice weapon?

    Imagine The Road with as50. lol
  10. exo.geni@hotmail.it

    Ideal opening-track in DayZ

  11. exo.geni@hotmail.it

    Remove the Ghillie suit

    Problem with ghillies at the moment is that it's the equivalent of a Gold Sparkle Armor of Destiny where the as50 is The Supremacy Sword.
  12. exo.geni@hotmail.it

    Standalone Ghillies

    Well, the ARMA ghillie don't even have gloves. The boots are to exposed and by a realistic prospective would be pretty hard to find a magazine in that bush xD The first pic show the base of the ghillie, it's made to attach the vegetation and have a mobile drap in the back, it's probably one of the most versatile ghillie base around.
  13. exo.geni@hotmail.it

    Standalone Ghillies

    I never liked the ARMA II ghillie, it doesn't look like a proper one. I would like to see in the standalone something more "comfortable" and transportable like the "viper hood".
  14. exo.geni@hotmail.it

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    Rocket doesn't believe in NDA
  15. exo.geni@hotmail.it

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    Looks like the characters are the Arma III ones. I'm really happy to see that, I suggest you all to have a look at the animations - clothing system.