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About mines_skyline

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. mines_skyline

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    I hope you also reset player locations to the beach or somewhere safe for the people that are currently saved where the new city is. What if you placed a building where I am standing? Dont reset positions for other people though :D
  2. Why didnt you just drop the gear, instead of committing suicide... Couldve hidden the gear somewhere nice in the forest where no one can find it and you are still alive.
  3. mines_skyline

    Group of Hackers on US 845 (video proof)

    Looks like nothing is being done about this and all the other reports.
  4. Server: US 845 Time: May 27, 2013 4:35 PM Toronto Time (GMT -4) What happened during the incident: I was just killed, and I re-spawned near cherno. I was going around doing my thing collecting loot, when my legs broke all of a sudden. I opened my gear, all my gear was empty (i should have had the basic loot + makarov). Few seconds later, I get teleported to NE airfield, and there are bandits around me. You can see what they are doing to me in the video linked below. Their names are Smith, alex, Rick, and Matt. The guy you see dancing is me. They are making me dance using their scripts (plus they broke my legs earlier and teleported me). Unfortunately, my mic was not recording but I was telling them I was going to report them. I dont think one of them was happy about it, and decided to shoot me. I highlight the names at the end of the video if you want to see the exact name. Earlier, before I had died in my previous life, I saw the guy with the camo suit teleporting behind me, but I did not know what was going on, and have no proof of it. Smith was the one who shot me and my buddy Zackneal with an AS50 at NE airfield just few minutes before this. It was a great long distance shot, but it is apparent now that it must have been an aimbot. Checking other posts in the Cheat Report section of this forum, I came across this thread. http://dayzmod.com/f...cheater-report/ Looking at the first post, last name, it is clear that it is the same guy. 5092592522fdc4bf66fd993fa46eb7e0 -1 Rick I had stopped playing DayZ for about 6-7 months due to hackers. I decided to give it a try again. It was fine for a few days. I had a lot of fun. Then this happens. Please do the necessary. If you need any more information, I can answer any questions you have. That video is the only proof I have. Mines_Skyline http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySkiJNwnZDY
  5. mines_skyline Vehicle Problem?

    i think they fucked up the setting that controls how long things stay where they are left before they reset. i left a bunch of vehicles and many full tents on a server alone for 2 days. when i came back they were gone. it should be 7 days before they de-spawn, but i think it is 1 day now by accident.
  6. Date/Time: 11:21 PM EST (Ontario, Canada) What happened: Had about 2500-2600 Humanity. Shot a guy who was innocent (i got a murder). Few seconds later, my character turned into a bandit. when i went back to 3rd person, i could not see my backpack on my back. i had an alice pack at the time. when i checked my gear, the backpack was still there and all the gear inside it was safe. i went to the dead body, he had a Coyote big backpack. i transferred all my gear into that, and picked it up. started running away from there to a secure location. i still could not see the new big backpack on my back, but cud see it in the inventory. on the way back, my humanity increased to a threshold that switched me back into normal civilian. this time the backpack was not only gone from my back, but also from my inventory. im not gonna bitch about it, its an alpha. but i will report it here so it can be fixed for later versions :) Where you were: GR 132 091 - where i killed the guy, transformed into bandit, stole his backpack. GR 133 095 - where i turned back into civilian and lost the backpack from inventory. What you were doing: see above for full story. *Current installed version: with 96751 beta *Server(s) you were on: US 3305 *Your system specs: i dont think this has anything to do with system but here it is. CPU: i7 3930K @ 4.7 GHz RAM: Corsair Vengeance 16 GB DDR3 1600 MHz Motherboard: ASUS Rampage 4 Extreme GPU: EVGA GTX 460 *Timeline of events before/after error: see above for before. after the event, i left the server to report the incident. i will rejoin and continue playing the game after this.
  7. mines_skyline

    Legit or Hacked

    can you give me the link to the post where he says this? i may have found a questionable weapon in game. i would like to use it, but not if it will get me banned.
  8. mines_skyline

    Banned on US 546 for hacked gun?

    yeah i found an M4A1 holo with 203 and silencer too.
  9. mines_skyline

    New rare drop or hacked?

    ahh man. i just went through a big firefight with 3 guys and one of the had this in their backpack. they didnt look like the hacker types. so is the word final? the M4A1 HWS M203 SD is hacked?
  10. mines_skyline

    Cheating on DE9

    like your avatar says, cool story bro. need proof.
  11. mines_skyline

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    good idea. but wat about a implementing it slightly differently. instead of a large radio tower that you have to deploy, maybe you could have a small "walkie talkie" radio that you can have active while you are travelling. it uses batteries (substitute for fuel) and you have to find them. you want this device active when you are travelling near stary or NWAF for example. its range of blocking would be a lot smaller than the original idea. perhaps we could have both. a big ass deployable radio that can only be used while you are in one area setting up defences. and another which you can walk around with that has a smaller range and the centre of the circle moves as you move.
  12. mines_skyline

    I see no point of having a toolbox

    what i dont like is that you have to be looking at a specific pole on the wire fence to delete it. so when assholes build it in certain places like the firestation stairways, that pole can sometimes be inside a wall. so you cant delete it as you cant see it. you should be able to delete it by looking at any part of the wire, not just that one pole.
  13. mines_skyline

    Forum password problems

    same. can not change password. edit: how the fuck did it get my picture to put in the avatar.... wat is this sorcery!
  14. mines_skyline

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    i still cant play. get stuck on fucking waiting for character to create. after waiting 30 minutes u end up in the debug desert everytime.