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Everything posted by BOSIG

  1. BOSIG

    Really Bad Frame Rate

    What graphics card and amount of RAM do you have? I have a i7 4770k, 8GB RAM and a GTX 670, and im having <30 fps in cherno and electro. When i get off the coast though i get 40-60. Maybe it drops down to a bit under 40 sometimes in towns/in bigger houses. My settings are normal, and I have lowered many settings from the text-file (in Dayz folder under My Documents). Turned off ambient occlusion and similar settings...
  2. Yes. The wire is only used to prevent beaners to accses loot in electro/cherno, therefore making starting the game much harder. Also, its the source of the atrifact-glitches (that might have been fixed in the hotfix today). I have never seen wire being used to for example securing camps/vehicles, just griefing.