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Everything posted by Valdenburg

  1. Valdenburg

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    We updated our server restart script: NEW SERVER RESTARTS07:00 - 11:00 - 15:00 - 19:00 GMT+1
  2. Valdenburg

    Userlist, Ban.txt, etc.

    Because its a option they would have to restrict when you switch on-the-fly from public to private - what is not possible it seems. Kick/Ban players without just causeThere is litterally no way to tell who is hacking - you would need video proof of the guy while he is hacking and not only that but you also need to kill the hacker directly after you saw he is hacking - pretty much impossible when you ask me :D Also the do list does not tell you that you can ban ;) You may perform the following actions on your server : Restart serverKick abusive players (harassment, cheating, exploiting bugs) - Be aware that this can tread a fine line, and if you are found to be violating this rule your server may be disabled until the issue can be addressed.
  3. Valdenburg

    Userlist, Ban.txt, etc.

    Maybe you should read this as any server owner: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/ and you know that it is not possible to ban on non private shards :D Regards Van
  4. Valdenburg

    [Freedom Gaming] Roleplay Roleplay [Whitelist/App]

    Bad joke ;)
  5. Valdenburg

    No loot in .52 update

    Persistent Server loot respawns are broken. Loot tables have not been updated as i know - implementation of items etc. will make it worse and we got to wait till they update the loot tables again. Regards Van
  6. Valdenburg

    [Freedom Gaming] Roleplay Roleplay [Whitelist/App]

    Nice idea and wish you best luck for your server! Just what i do not understand is this: First you say you do not enforce roleplaying but everyone got to obey to the server rules - wich obviously do enforce roleplaying ;) Kind Regards Van
  7. Valdenburg

    Userlist, Ban.txt, etc.

    You can ban just fine on a private shard server...seems like alot of people that actually do not know what they talk about gathered in this thread ;D
  8. Valdenburg

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    Todays miniEVENT missions will be canceled due to low registration numbers. We need 10 registered players for the first real round. Make sure you register over here: https://dayzgameserver.knackhq.com/events#start2 SeeYou inGame
  9. Valdenburg

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    We had some problem and have to delay this - we want to make it good before releasing ;)
  10. Valdenburg

    Clan Z PVP Server www.clanzgaming.com

    Hey Sneaky wish you all the best with your Server!
  11. Valdenburg

    Scheduler-Server Reboots

    Hi Sneaky. Great to hear you sorted that out. You should deffinately run a whitelist imo. Only thing that bugged me was the fiddling with the GUID to actually whitelist people. We have a automated Whitelist running for our Server. Atm we try to make that available to other server admins. Right now its a long process for a player to get his GUID. On our site you "Sign in through Steam" and you are automatically whitelisted. Just PM me when your are interested in a automated whitelist that you can fully administrate ;) Regards Van
  12. Valdenburg

    Scheduler-Server Reboots

    BEC got nothing todo with Battleye hack detection as far as i know. As one of the biggest GSPs you just don´t leave a update to the side when it included that many changes in how scripts are working. So yes old equals bad in this case.
  13. Valdenburg

    Scheduler-Server Reboots

    Yes indeed - i would call it "bad" though not just "odd" :D Vilayer is good when you can eat the bullshit they are giving the customer to eat - when you don´t want this or good support you got to switch provider.
  14. Valdenburg

    Working tool for administration

    Hey UncTroll! Please contact your Server Provider as we can not give you any further support here. Your GSP is in charge to provide you with the details you need to use any RCon tool. Regards Van
  15. Valdenburg

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    We are starting our mission system this friday. Stay tuned!
  16. Valdenburg

    Server help

    Hey there - the switch from 1st to 1st/3rd person does not normally reset the persistence data (your stash). What the Server owner might have done is to disable persistence for now on the Server you have been playing. Reason could be that the loot destribution is still bugged on persistent Servers. I would suggest you try to find out who is in charge of the server administration. Most Servers got a own forum etc. Hope i could help :D
  17. Np thought something is not right so i wanted to tell you since DayZTV did also not know about this. Really like what you do for the hardcore community - we also have a first person only server. Now we just finished developing our "automated Whitelist" wich uses the "Login through Steam" and i wanted to ask if you might be interested in something like that for you servers. Just hit me up here or add "VanValdenburg" on Steam - you always can reach me through the website and chat. Regards Van
  18. Just wait for the console version :D
  19. Hey there was watching your Server for quite a while - thanks for adding those to the hardcore community! One tip for your forums - maybe consider deleting the "Copyright 2014 © DayzTV" since its very confusing and people will associate you with DayZTV.com. Afterall you don´t want to give all your credits to DayZTV do you? Kind Regards Van
  20. Valdenburg

    Admin communication / global chat

    Think DaRT rcon tool had a option to talk to individual players. However every admin can talk to the whole server when he is using the global chat channel ingame and then using the voice function ;)
  21. Valdenburg

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    Please keep in mind that the "automated Whitelist" is a alpha version and might have bugs - just contact me when you seem to have problems ;)
  22. Valdenburg

    Do defibrillators even work?

    Thanks men! IGN is always same name ;)
  23. Valdenburg

    Do defibrillators even work?

    Just wanted to get in here and post my vid and i see you allrdy did - thats amazing thanks for sharing! :D
  24. Valdenburg

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

  25. Valdenburg

    one Axe VS two Rifles :D

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6y2MfWro4pk Happened on the USC -->PvP<-- Server - so please do not complain that i try to kill them :D