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Everything posted by Valdenburg

  1. Valdenburg

    NO TO <KILL ON SIGHT> ! - DayZ Standalone

    Great! We actually will feature a no-KOS Server soon ;)
  2. Valdenburg

    Blood trails

    You could also state this: "What is the point of reloading a gun? Let us have unlimited bullets!" It is a feature men - it adds depth to the game like any other feature. There can be not enough of them actually when it is made authentic/realistic and when it stays true to the game concept.
  3. Valdenburg

    Server Hosting Help

    Most likely it will not be possible to host Servers your own while in alpha/beta. There are several reasons that it could be "never" the case. There is almost no reason to have server files opened for users to host themselfes. So why should BI do it? So people that got no money can host? There are enough Servers out there allrdy!
  4. They should atleast fix the Server crashing. This bug is the only thing that is persistent and originally the loot should be!
  5. Quite like the Stun Batone and other new melee implementations - gief more!
  6. Valdenburg

    New Stories from the Sanctuary

    We collect stories on our server in the factory between polana/orlovets. It is called StorySanctuary. We defend it from bandits and give everyone else that is friendly a place to share the stories. Stories and Screenshots from 04.08.14: http://imgur.com/a/0dPNg
  7. Valdenburg

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Could only post low res one since it will not allow me to link the original picture for some reason.Link from original below picture. http://www.dayzusc.com/gallery/m/21238326/detail/183607#pid=1735273
  8. Valdenburg

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    The problem is that the owned servers that are restarting every few minutes are affecting the public HIVE. Let them restart the server and farm loot but then do not give them the option to bring this gear to other servers - simply make a HIVE for every private server.
  9. Valdenburg

    Why does hardly anyone report abusive servers?

    only way is to try. I did with 5 and all 5 servers had to be reported 3 times but now they stay without password.
  10. Valdenburg

    Better way of reporting server

    We really need a better way to report a server when it is violating the rules. It seems pathethic that Bohemia has not come up with any tool to report a server. I use http://dayzserver.com/ to report servers when i see them. They provide a easy tool for the listed servers. However you can just opt out of this listing and you will not be found. This leads to admins not entering the list so we can not find/report them. It would be great if DEVs could provide a inGame report tool. regards
  11. Valdenburg

    Better way of reporting server

    Thanks alot DMentMan!
  12. Valdenburg

    Where are all the DAY/NIGHT cycle servers?!?

    Its not possible atm. We tried it with all 5 GSPs and no server can handle the load after a few hours. 2h restarts are a must have right now when the server is populated. However we are looking for mature DayZ players [18+] to join our hardcore servers. And play with all the Clans/Groups/Teams that are forming to survive there.You can head over to www.DayZUSC.com - check us out and register a account to link up with other players and new friends. SeeYou inGame
  13. Valdenburg

    Why does hardly anyone report abusive servers?

    THIS. InGame report button plox!
  14. Valdenburg

    Cooking Guide For 0.46

    Your voice sounds so creepy sometimes :D - great video love the testing also saw a WildStar video, thought you would stay DayZ exclusive.
  15. Valdenburg

    Add report server button? Rate servers?

    Only HIVES there is are "Regular" and "Hardcore" atm.
  16. Valdenburg

    Add report server button? Rate servers?

    There is no way to tell wich server is rented by a individual or controlled by the GSP itselfe. There are only "official servers" and the server files are not free to host yourselfe.
  17. Valdenburg

    Add report server button? Rate servers?

    No server owner got the option to reset any data. It is the GSPs job to take care of bad servers in terms of hardware that is used. Laggy servers mostly depending on your ping to this location and rating that would maybe result in downvoting servers that are totally okay but the ping is just too high for people who reported it as "bad". A report button to write a ticket directly to the server provider when it is violating the "server owner rules" would be great. Let websites rate your server like this one: http://dayz-servers.org/ regards
  18. Valdenburg

    Server Reporting System (How can it be improved)

    Seems like a good time to introduce this now since the count of server is not really decreasing like password protected servers.
  19. Valdenburg

    Better way of reporting server

    when you could point me to this that would be much appreciated. I briefly searched the forum but only came across a locked thread about a guy telling the forum MODS "to do something about private servers"
  20. Valdenburg

    Standalone Server in Argentina

    Dont know if there is any DayZ host providing server locations for your area. However am quite sure Fragnet will expand on that in the future.
  21. Valdenburg

    Setting up a DayZ server?

    Admins do not have the power to spawn items. I hope they never will have such powers. When you want a DayZ SA server now go rent one, its easy.
  22. hope admins will never have such powers when connected to the official hive system
  23. Valdenburg

    any information on creating a dayz standalone LAN server?

    When modding is out you can have your LAN play. Either way a modded server wont have access to the loot spawning/distribution system, the HIVE. When you want a original DayZ SA server you have to rent one.
  24. Valdenburg

    I Can't Join Any Server on Standalone

    Those problems should been fixed now since the .43 patch. However i heared a few servers are still suffering.