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Everything posted by Valdenburg

  1. Valdenburg

    When did people start hating on the game so hard?

    They give us cars - and take them from us after 4 hours :D
  2. Valdenburg

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    Website is online again sorry for this really long downtime!
  3. Valdenburg

    Server Resource Usage and Crashes: pre and post - 0.52

    We might have problems with timed restarts sometimes - however we have zero problems with the server beeing "stuck". I see you are using multiplay servers - you might consider switching to fragnet - they do not offer clanforge but working servers ;)
  4. Valdenburg

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    Website is about to work again ETA is 4h from now ;)
  5. Valdenburg

    Servers Need to be done Differently.

    Maybe you actually should inform youselfe before making such a post ;) Server owners can restart the server and they can enable/disable persistence - both options can alter the amount of loot on a server. However there is no such option to directly alter the loot spawns. Further all servers with "high loot" in the name are violating the server hosting rules - BI does not care and reporting servers is too much of a struggle and not always possible.
  6. Valdenburg

    Servers Need to be done Differently.

    You can not set the amount of loot as a admin. For the second part - just play on a good private shard.
  7. Valdenburg

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    Merry Christmas everyone!
  8. That should have been your first action - this forum got nothing todo with your server/host :D
  9. Valdenburg

    Can you help me for persistence?

    This is how persistence works - restarts will not affect the loot.
  10. Valdenburg

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    Imo they really should get that new action system going. Its such a old one with the scroll wheel.
  11. Valdenburg


    Hey guys we just started our "Community Whitelist" project that is similar to this suggestion. Players will use the "Login through Steam" to enter the Whitelist. easy access to many server community´s for the playerseasy way to maintain a Whitelist for server ownersmore players for your Serverautomated whitelisting We are currently developing a Whitelist that will update by itselfe. It will support multiple servers. Server owners can apply for using this automated whitelist - there will be only one whitelist for now. When a Server does not want to accept a whitelisted user he can easily ban him to restrict access. When someone is interested in joining please contact me trough our Forum over here: http://www.dayzgameserver.com/ The Community Whitelist can be found over here: http://www.unitedsquadscommunity.com/ Merry Christmas and a happy new year survivors!
  12. I see you do not run it on the dayz server - am sorry when it sounded like an accusation :D
  13. Valdenburg

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    Small hickups after todays patch but should work in a bit again.
  14. Is that not violating the current rules? You may not perform the following actions on your server : Access RPT Logs (At this time)Access/Modify Gameserver data (At this time)Install any 3rd party tools, modifications, or applications (aside from BEC – At this time)
  15. Valdenburg

    What's the best server host out there?

    Hey there -we tested all those GSPs and stick to fragnet - best server performance and very good/quick support.
  16. Valdenburg

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    Thanks Joey! More people would be even better but with such amazing members like you we will get there :D
  17. Valdenburg

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    Yesterdays FightClub was stopped by some Men in black telling us to go on the ground. We fought against them and everything ended in a big shootout. They want us to pay "taxes". We will discuss this in todays FightClub - if we will pay those "taxes".
  18. Valdenburg

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    In yesterdays FightClub Daniel won the AUG - he refused to take the prize and said the honor would be enough. So we still got the AUG as prize for todays FightClub! Countdown for todays FightClub: http://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/20141211080000pm/w4220/1/FightClub SeeYou inGame
  19. Valdenburg

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    The first FightClub happened and the winner is "Loudshot"! Tonight the winner will win a AUG Automatic Rifle!
  20. Valdenburg

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    PvP Server is indeed very active and on prime time it hits 50/50 very often. Thanks for the kind words! Also big thanks to everyone who is playing on our Servers - you are shaping the Community! Let´s push the Roleplay Server now ;) FightClub Tonight ;)
  21. Valdenburg

    Any role play servers

    On our whitelisted Server its about 5-20 people . The PvP Server though was full the last few days on peak times. We hope more people going to whitelist since the PvP Server is that popular right now. You are welcome to join our website chat and ask our members/moderators for more details etc.
  22. Valdenburg

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    Glad to hear you "guys" have fun :D Thanks for this feedback it is much appreciated! When you feel that anything could be wrong - also do not hesitate to contact me.
  23. Valdenburg

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    Do not forget the Longhorn Duel tomorrow ;)
  24. Valdenburg

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    Welcome. Hope you have fun and SeeYou inGame!
  25. Valdenburg

    Any role play servers

    Hey there - we have 200+ members whitelisted and over 600 registered players. One PvP Server and one Roleplay Server that use the same database - RP is whitelisted and PvP is not. PvP is 1st. person view only - RP got 3rd. person view enabled.