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About fonikz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. fonikz

    Movement Speed Issues

    He says the game runs fairly well. It's pretty ridiculous how slow he was moving. We're about to hop back in now, we'll see if it's still bad.
  2. fonikz

    Movement Speed Issues

    Two related issues here: A friend just started playing the game today, and he is moving EXTREMELY slow. He's making all the right animations, so I'm pretty sure he's hitting the right buttons. But walking, running, and sprinting are all about half of my speed. I've got him to double-tap shift, right click, toggle raise weapon, all that good stuff. But as I said, he's making all the right animations, and his fists aren't up or anything. Second issue: I know my brother is playing the game correctly, we've been playing for about two years now. But he runs just a little bit slower than I do, his sprint speed is somewhere between my run and sprint. Not a huge issue, but annoying all the same, and he gets run down by zombies a lot.
  3. fonikz

    DayZ: Origins (RELEASED)

    Exact same thing happening to me. I spawn in, and get kicked with no explanation.
  4. Thanks Dolph! It's been a while since I was teleported up into the air, but it probably was about a month ago. Thanks for clearing that up.
  5. According to DayZCommander, I haven't been on US2047 in about a month, but for some reason I'm banned and the reason is Admin Ban/Scripting. I've certainly never used a script before. I'm not banned on any other server.