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Everything posted by diskings

  1. diskings

    Server hosting

    Uhm......? Lol. If you ask people for unbiased opinions, you aren't asking for anything at all except for guessing. People who are renting servers from somewhere actually know what they are talking about, and will either recommend them or not. If you want unbiased, ask anyone, literally anyone, and let them guess at it just like you. I'm renting from Host Altitude atm, and I like them. They responded quick, and seem to have good customer support. Mind you since I rent a dedi we don't need them for much (we do it almost 100% by ourselves), but even if you get them to manage the servers, they seem to be on the ball.
  2. Ah I just PMed Vipeax about why I was removed from Server Host. I knew about what happened but didn't realize it would lead to a rollback. Can I get my Server Host status back whenever you get a chance? Thanks.
  3. Your parameters are wrong. His program launches the server file itself, with the parameters. Open the start_DayZserver.bat file with a text editor and read what it says. You'll notice it just launched the ArmA2OASERVER file with parameters (-mod....... etc etc). Copy everything after the server file and put it as the parameter. That will launch it into DayZ mode, exactly as that start_dayzserver.bat file does. Hope this helps. Edit: Because I still have my dedi open, I'll help you one step further. If you open the dayzserver.bat (you can verify it for yourself), it should say exactly this (or very similar, exactly if you didn't make any changes I believe): arma2oaserver.exe -mod=EXPANSION;ca;@dayz;@CBA;@JayArma2Lib -name=cfgdayz -config=cfgdayz\server.cfg -cfg=cfgdayz\arma2.cfg -profiles=cfgdayz -world=Chernarus -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=7 So this will be your parameters: "-mod=EXPANSION;ca;@dayz;@CBA;@JayArma2Lib -name=cfgdayz -config=cfgdayz\server.cfg -cfg=cfgdayz\arma2.cfg -profiles=cfgdayz -world=Chernarus -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=7" Use the base Operation Arrowhead directory for the directory, and use that (^) for the parameters. Will launch it into DayZ server. Good luck.
  4. diskings

    Banned from NY9

    I can assure you, it was not an admin kick. If BattlEye automatically kicks someone, it says Admin Kick (BattlEye - Idling too long) or something similar, but it is not an admin manually kicking you. I will try to show you that it wasn't an admin kick, but rather that's just how BattlEye reports it. If an admin kicks someone, it will say (based on the message we've configured with an admin kick) something along the lines of "Follow the rules, rules can be found @ www.SteamGamers.com" - something along those lines. I'll see if I can grab proof(ish) to verify what I'm saying. We are more than willing to do whatever we can to keep everyone (players, as well as DayZ admins etc) happy, and unfortunately I can't give you more information on what happened aside from what the logs say. They say idling, if it was a bug (it might have been), I don't know what could have caused it, so I can't provide you with more information on the incident unfortunately. Edit: (I've not wrapped the image in tags because the images are (kind of) large, the second one being quite wide. http://i.imgur.com/3yvKA.png As you can see from the image (I've not cropped it to hopefully improve credibility-I have nothing to hide), the first one I've highlighted in orange was a player getting kicked by BattlEye itself for idling too long. It says "18:57:22 : Player #25 Sheds (GUID) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Kick (Lobby idling to long)". It says Admin Kick, but it isn't, it's just BattlEye. The next one I've highlighted was when I was testing the kick feature, where I kicked myself. As you can see, it first says "18:58:36 : kick was issued by admin : Bob Loblaw". After that it recaps what happened "18:58:37 : Player #29 Bob Loblaw (GUID) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Kick (You broke a rule! Read our rule list @ www.SteamGamers.com!)" The only rules we enforce are pretty much racism. We expect our players to be respectful, but I don't think anyone has been kicked for anything but racism. I've kicked one person for racism (name Alpha-so it wasn't you lol) and that's the only person I've kicked-aside from myself to test it lol. I hope this clears things up, and again I'm sorry we couldn't resolve this issue and find out exactly what happened. The logs are only saying for idling too long :\. Edit2: Here is a cropped version to hopefully prove the difference (I've opened it in notepad++ so it reads carriage returns (notepad doesn't which is why it's just a jumble of words with no new lines). http://i.imgur.com/eZYft.png As you can see, an admin kicking someone will say the admin kicked them (and will say the bit about the rules), Idling too long just says BattlEye : Admin Kick. Why it says Admin Kick I'm not sure. But again, it wasn't an admin kicking someone by hand.
  5. CO is where the two are actually combined together. This may help you: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?101214-ARMA-2-CO-(how-to-combine-ARMA-2-into-ARMA-2-OA-and-use-together) (The non-steam OA). If it's in steam I'm not sure as I don't have that version, but I think it either does it itself, or does it very easily. For retail you have to use a program to combine them I believe.
  6. diskings

    Banned from NY9

    Yes, all we can say is that we're sorry for whatever must have happened, and I can assure you, we did not ban or kick you ourselves. Again, sorry for the inconvenience.
  7. diskings

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Do you just need ARMA2OA.RPT and ARMA2OASERVER.RPT? And where do you want us to email them to you?
  8. diskings

    Banned from NY9

    Like LVG said, I am the only other one with admin on our server, and nobody has been banned from our server at all. I've kicked 1 person as well for repeated racism, but that was a few days ago. I looked through the logs and exactly as LVG said, you were only kicked twice, and both times it was for idling too long.
  9. This is the target for the shortcut I have set for BEC: C:\BEC\Bec.exe -f Config.cfg for reference Yes, like he said, it needs -f and then the config. However I just have a shortcut to Bec.exe (called RUNBEC) that looks like Target: "........\Bec.exe" -f config.cfg. If you do end up just running it manually with the -f option then that would be fine, doesn't really matter to me. I just use the shortcut for convenience sake.
  10. Much appreciated, I can't thank you enough for all the work you're doing with this app. Still seems to be opening Bec too many times so I just disabled that feature for the time being. Not in a big rush for it to be fixed, just thought I'd let you know (and I hope I haven't come across as ungrateful, again, veryyyyyyy much appreciated for everything you've done with this app).
  11. It was still opening Bec too many times. And I thought it might have something to do with that but I wasn't sure. Didn't seem to be checking every 2 mins (or at least updating me that it was checking every 2 mins), but I'm not running it atm because of the Bec issue. Could just disable that-probably will. Last question, more of future-proofing it for bugs. If I have the config set to 120 mins *60 * 1000 = 720000, if I go through the config again, and just want to keep my old settings, am I going to be passing it 720000 mins (since it takes the old one-but will now be in mins, then recalculated up to some insanely high miliseconds?). Again just a question, you might have already thought of it and it's not an issue.
  12. I think something happened with the program. It started making up its own numbers for what the intervals were (which were ENTIRELY different than what I had input-example I'd put in 120-mins for hive restart-it would end up with 720000). I went in and edited the settings manually and then when I try to run it it spams opening BEC. (Over and over and over)-didn't seem to do it before I edited the config so idk lol. (It didn't happen-and doesn't once I reconfigured it) so it's not an urgent issue, but yeah when I edited the config (I didn't remove the runbec=1 or anything, I ONLY edited the numbers associated with the intervals) and it started spam opening it. Just thought I'd let you know. Edit: Yeah it doesn't run Bec quite properly, it was already running, then it opened like 8 more prompts because it wasn't running. Could it have to do with the fact that I tell it to run my RUNBEC shortcut (which just runs Bec with -f srv.cfg) so ultimately it's just Bec that's running but it's looking for RUNBEC or something?
  13. BEC can be extracted anywhere (for instance I have it in a folder on my desktop, and I also don't run the BEC.exe, I created a seperate one called RUNBEC.exe to run it with the proper file (idk if there's a different way, but mine's working so...) lol. Is there a way just to specify a file that we want to be restarted whenever the server restarts? Like I said, BEC can be extracted anywhere so there's no way to know where it *should* be. Also an update since I said I'd give it, seems to be working great. Much props!
  14. Ignore LVG, seems to be working and I'm running it on our server atm. I'll give you an update once I get more information in my logs (and see if it properly restarts server/hive etc). Not sure if it will crash, but will at least check the persistent restarts etc. Seems good so far, although it hasn't restarted yet so will post back tomorrow sometime to see if it restarted things properly etc. Like I said, looks good so far though! Much appreciated. Also, has there been any official response on if we should restart the server every time we restart the hive? Like do we need hive and server restarts to be set to the same? Or is it fine to restart the hive without restarting the server? Edit: Just tested it, it definitely starts the hive and the server properly. Will get back to you on scheduled restart times and crashes. Again, will get back to you tomorrow.
  15. Allow it to be minimized to tray?