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About DeathBacon

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DeathBacon

    Tents deleting all my items

    Like I said, I guarded it the ENTIRE night. after it restarted everything was just gone.
  2. DeathBacon

    Tents deleting all my items

    Yeah, after the AS50 disappeared I packed one of my empty tents and put it into my tent, then saved it again. Nothing inside it again. I'm trying it again with the two other tents I put down this time, but server isn't due to restart for a bit still.
  3. So I was playing on US328 (probably doesn't matter) and my friend and I set up a couple tents and put some stuff in, the only important of which was a GPS, NVGs, AS50 and several 10 round mags (4). I know for a fact no one robbed us (I stayed on for a long time watching the tents until the server restarted). After the restart I went to loot them to make sure everything was find and dandy before going to bed, but the tent had nothing in it (yes, we saved it. religiously saved it, after putting every item in we both saved it 5 or 6 times). This next restart I jumped on again to see if maybe that bug was back (although, if it was the tents wouldn't have been there at all) but still nothing was inside the tent. EDIT: Also, the tent was only able to hold 30 items, which seems very strange as I could only fit the AS50 and M249 saw into it with the other random gear we had before stuff started spilling out, and I've had tents with 5+ weapons inside of them.
  4. DeathBacon

    So many tears

    Yes, because going from 0-160K in 4 weeks is down hill.
  5. DeathBacon

    So many tears

    So, my friends and I (Biggains, Tenks, Whale, and myself) tend to camp on top of Berezino hospital because usually noobs won't come up that far, so we get competent enemies/well equipped, we don't like to just pick on noobs. So in Virginia 2 we had been waiting for some time, and we noticed several people going to the red apt. buildings. We only saw one, who climbed to the roof, and was quickly picked off by our snipers. Tenks and I moved in to investigate, where we found one person guarding the stairs. Tenks died taking him out, and I went in to see what was up and found another one, and we promptly killed each other. Whale and Biggains, not wanting to lose our most important weaponry (snipers) decided to stay on the hospital and guard the apts. I spawned in at Krutoy Cap and proceeded to run north to Berezino. On my way up Tenks spawned in behind me and started running as well. The people we killed were all in the [AR15] 'clan' and I saw one in the distance infront of me, having spawned in earlier than me (having been killed earlier), and I went around a building to hide. Incidentally, another AR15 member spawned infront of me. I quickly dispatched him and attracted several zombies. I proceeded to the other AR15 member, who expected my arrival with his winchester. Unfortunately for him, my Makarav was superior, and he also died. However, I sustained heavy damage and died soon after as well. At this point we had decided reacquiring our gear seemed out of the picture, so we told the entire server what was up and to go get it before they could. Much talk ensued and many people began heading there. Tenks arrived at the apt. building to find another AR15 member still alive on the top floor (he killed a random guy on the way up, and our snipers took out another random on the roof shortly before). The AR15 member swiftly dispatched him, as he had an automatic weapon to Tenks's Mak. As I arrived the next time, I was trailed by approx. 30 zombies, following me into the building. I looted my corpse for my AKM and mags, and proceeded with caution to the top floor. I found the last AR15 member unconscious, and unloaded two shells into his head. Unfortunately this was during server lag and he ALT+F4'd. Now I had to defend the place for Tenks, who I soon learned wasn't coming anymore, having had his fill of enjoyment for the day. The server that we had invited was just now arriving while I was on the top floor. One came up and I unloaded several shells into his chest, and his buddy came up while I was reloading, so I retreated into the room beside me. He lagged into a room, and as he came out I was taken by surprise but missed me. I sent a shell into his skull. By this time we had been trolling the AR15 clan for some time, and their 'leader' as it seemed, Wesker, has been adamant that he knew where our snipers were. Well, it turned out he did! But his luck was still pretty shitty. Our other friend, Sgt. Mustang had just arrived in berezino and spotted him coming. Whale proceeded to take up a sniping position to get him before he knew what was coming. As he entered a shack by a well behind the hospital, whale got up from prone and fired three rounds into his leg. As he died, he promptly accused Whale of cheating with an invis bug, which soon turned into a snapping hack (wat?) before he said he was reporting us for hacking because he had a video of no one shooting him (see: sniper). I just felt like sharing their tears with you as they tried to come up with excuses for dying. I hope you enjoy!
  6. DeathBacon

    Spawned in debug

    HAHA! I only had to run for half an hour, but I made it back to the map.
  7. DeathBacon

    Spawned in debug

    But... my stuff :(?
  8. DeathBacon

    Spawned in debug

    I tried to join a server today after aborting to get zombies off of me, and it popped me up in this big open patch of rolling hills, other players, usually wearing nothing are also here and don't seem to respond. I'm confused, and can't see anything familiar in the distance... help D:?