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Everything posted by BaitedHook

  1. BaitedHook

    Body Armor

    supported, pvp is dangerous business these days and people should be protected....
  2. because now it gives the incentive to group there are too much incentive to kill and zero incentive to group. this will balance out the incentive and form communities
  3. some zones should be designed for group focus and high level loot zones are way to easy. server hop 1 hour in nwaf and you can make it out fully loaded.
  4. BaitedHook

    So...infinite health cheats out now?

    if you survive a fall that didnt kill you but put your blood into neg you will never die. there is a youtube video showing how you do it. the success rate is extremely small but once you succeed you are immortal. you can also turn invisible with a glitch
  5. what? zombie can use axe now?
  6. BaitedHook

    My DAYZ feedback

    your still gonna die even with a pistol if the guy has you outgunned. zig zagging must be mastered if you want to become a axe murderer. slipping and weaving through bullets while countering with an axe are skill and art.
  7. BaitedHook

    bad weather in dayz

    cant you just server hop??? i want variety in weather
  8. i just want to voice my thoughts after watching many youtube videos and streams when i see people STILL crawling and sneaking when started out as a fresh survivor and then getting owned when a zombie spots them and had to do the crawl up animation while getting hit and end up bleeding or broken leg. i just want to say that running and making noise through houses and towns is the new way to play. dodging zombies is the new game now. having a zombie train should be normal while scavenging. when you are finished with a town just run through some houses/buildings go around some corners and go crouch or prone. all the zombies will stop following. the game is now way more fast paced. the advantage of running and going through town with a zombie train. -zombie train can be used on enemy players -makes you much harder to snipe -you go through scavenging much faster the only thing to watch out for is when zombies block the entry and exit of a building but thats why i avoid buildings with narrow/single entrance. basically when you enter the building you need to finish looting before the zombies clog up the exits. you need good apm and familiarity with the inventory system....
  9. BaitedHook

    Juking zombies is the way to play now

    I would imagine it's on it's way. I have done the juke and jive zombie train as well recently... I miss the stealth of the 1.7 - I actually miss a lot of things about those earlier builds. the pace was slow though
  10. BaitedHook

    Juking zombies is the way to play now

    what nightpaw says. until rocket add a stamina system this will be more effective than spending 30 min going through a city playing crawlsimulator2012. also if you cant see a sniper you can see where the zombies go and follow and lead the zombie train to the sniper. this will usually make him waste ammo or dc.
  11. before i can zig zag with no stoping yesterday night my zig zap stop everytime i turn corners. why nerf zig zag?
  12. like those unarmed newbies along the coast, if they beg you to spare them over voip do you still kill them? what if they try to lecture you about your behavior and that it is bad?
  13. BaitedHook

    Is the camo still bugged?

    no its fixed
  14. change/create new player profile
  15. yea this game teaches me to not trust others and allows me to learn more about myself..... Irl you are taught to be nice and act nice and be courteous to others but this game lets people be themselves, lets me be myself
  16. im a virgin /inb4 "maybe thats why"
  17. BaitedHook


    doggy dog world
  18. LOL' date=' well its a good point, at least i think so. if you are defending such actions, which i assume you are, how do you justify killing newly spawned unarmed players? is it just for sport or are you addicted to painkillers?:s [/quote'] i dunno, but it makes me feel bad at first but then i kinda got addicted to causing pain. its like you hold the power over someone which determines his life and death. cant do that in real life lol
  19. so if you throw sd rounds inside a gun they become silenced even without a silencer???? is SD round overall better than normal rounds?
  20. lol one of them tried to lecture me with what you said vanillus about beating women hahahah
  21. what if the unarmed survivor trys to lecture you as they try to run away hahaha
  22. BaitedHook

    Atlanta 9 Invisible Player

    its a bug since 1.7.4. sometimes the player get corrupted when you update it with six updater and end up being invisible. the player who killed you probably dont even know he is himself invisible. i didnt know i was invisible until my irl friends tells me they cant see me. also one of my friend had to update his own dayz to see my other friend