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Everything posted by BaitedHook

  1. BaitedHook

    Zombie aggro; ninja patched?

    learn to juke. running from building to building fast looting is the best way to get geared. the faster you move the harder it is for you to get shot. zombie train will protect you from close range gankers. they shoot you they get zerged they force to dc or waste ammo. juke zombie train when you finish the city. crawling and crouch walk sets up people for failure and you will be just another "bean" for vets that gears up faster than you. wonder why experianced players all seemed geared and you get ganked all the time? because they fast clear and take everything before the snails (aka crawling/crouch walk nubs) and head to the north before the noobs and get geared up with m4s nvg and sniper rifles to hunt beanies like you who is still dying in cherno/elektro and guess what the vets die too a lot in elektro and cherno pvping but after a while you will get your own loot speed runs clearing the high yield buildings in record time
  2. BaitedHook

    DayZ, to buy or not?

    https://store.bistudio.com/steam-editions 25 percent off not as good as the past amazon 15 dollar deal but a deal is a deal i guess
  3. DMR > m107 DMR is the only sniper rifle that supports nvg as in you can flick it on or off when aiming
  4. kobra sucks lol brag when you get a dmr or m4a1ccosd
  5. BaitedHook

    US 138 Hacked "Chinook"

    lmao that the 4chan choppa they have going on in vg atm rofl
  6. BaitedHook

    Hacking on US 38 Texas

    Can i see a pic?
  7. BaitedHook


    go to cherno and start an epidemic, run along the coast and tag along with unsuspected unarmed survivors they will then spread to others
  8. BaitedHook

    Helicopter Hacker ( Who can't fly )

    well i hope that battleye can help you since you actually have proof unlike 90 percent of the post here filled with accusations of teleportation hacks when its actually server hopping and god mode hacks when there is a youtube video showing how to do the glitch
  9. BaitedHook


    spread that shit and start an epidemic
  10. BaitedHook

    Helicopter Hacker ( Who can't fly )

    i woulda tell him to spawn me a chopper for me to joyride haha, maybe tell him to spawn me a few gears too haha.
  11. BaitedHook

    Six Updater download issue

    uninstalling six updater, just gonna run arma beta from folder from now on
  12. im asking this because steam summer sale is going to be on in 30 min and if there is a arma 2 deal ill probably pick up another copy because i kinda want a second Character. i have baf and pmc will i be able to use those textures if i buy another copy of arma 2 co? Will having 2 different cd keys and steam accounts with arma 2 let me have 2 different guy if at all?
  13. http://images.4chan.org/vg/src/1340898049482.jpg i have arma 2 co, pmc and baf for textures my set up i5 2500k 12 gb dd3 1600 ram 580sli i turned things to max and still cant get the game to look like the above pic
  14. BaitedHook

    disarm player while unconscious

    you can already do that look up seannanner's first dayz video
  15. BaitedHook

    Ghillie suits as a reward for survival

    you still need to survive a certain set of time before encountering a ghillie suit, the suit is still considered rare
  16. BaitedHook

    Items should degrade over time

    i like it, guns should degrade nvg should use batteries same goes for flashlights they can just add a depletion bar like those of ammos
  17. BaitedHook

    how do i make game look like this (pics)

    its in 4chan /vg/ dayz
  18. password "interview" those who wants to hunt them enjoy, they are in i believe berenzino?
  19. so rocket says he wants groups to take over towns in the future in the interview and do "lockdown" type of actions, wonder if we can manage to build forts like in minecraft.
  20. pulled 2 irl friends to dayz and one got 2 copies of arma 2 for his other friend
  21. BaitedHook

    Build forts in future?

    make bear traps common so server hoppers get a huge surprise
  22. BaitedHook

    Where Are All the Animals

    all killed for meat, everyone loves meat 800hp yes plz
  23. there should be some sort of progression wise when it comes to enemy and enemy spawns. Zones like north west air field should be suicidal solo. hell i would say north of the map there should be infected that uses weapons. (yea the idea is dumb but it would be easy to implement and it will ramp up the difficulty) this will create incentive for freshies to group up and tackle the task. basically coastal think of melee left 4 dead style zombies inland and northern zones more of Doom 3 style zombies where if you dont have a decent weapon you WILL get owned. you can just skin arma 2 enemy soldiers with zombie skin and make them shoot at players