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Posts posted by Valhingen

  1. Personally I love 3rd Person view but not dont really care for crosshairs. On one hand I think server owners should be able to set as they wish, however, its a royal pain that you can't filter on those things...I imagine there are many disconnects because of this...or night..or rain.

    Rain being a theoretically shortterm thing, you shouldnt be able to filter it of course but day/night, crosshairs and 3rd person would be helpful.

  2. I also turn it up, always. Sad because basically I love how it feels and looks to play with the ingame tools (flares, flashlight, chems), however, it attracts too much attention while bandits are around.

    As for realism, if I wouldnt be absolutely starving, I'd just sleep at night and dont risk bumping into a zombie first and then getting stuck on a fence when I run...while not seeing that I got stuck (ok, exaggerated but you get my meaning)

  3. Playing Arma2 only for Dayz is stupid. The original game has really cool things to offer. I preordered Arma2 on steam and heard about Dayz on /v/.

    Why insult a good portion of the players, me included? I spent like 30 eur on this whole thing to play DayZ and its pretty good...am I interested to ever even start the 'normal' Arma? Not really, I play enough other games.

  4. I just find it sad that teamplay is somewhat discouraged while it usually is tons of fun when it happens.

    I agree with the rest of your post' date=' but I don't get how teamplay is discouraged? If anything, it's encouraged. Get two other people in a group, and go raid the northern airfield. It's a lot easier than doing it solo, and working in a group ensures that if things go south for you, you've got people covering your back.


    Maybe its not worded too well then - of course, once you DO know people that you can trust, it very much encourages teamplay..just that with a lot of people going by KOS, I don't see how even establishing contact with strangers is anything but discouraged.

    So far I always try to do the usual "hey, X - you friendly? want to team up?"...and IF someone says "sure, lets team", more often than not do they shoot you anyways. (bad luck in my situation? maybe, cant say without playing for some more months)

    I just think it leans too much to either shoot everybody (they could shoot me first otherwise) or avoid everybody.

  5. Can I set that somewhere specifically for Arma? I keep having the problem that on most servers (not all, yesterday it was suddenly ok for a bit) the game thinks I got an English keyboard (instead of a German one).

    So Im like "Are you friendlz_" ..."oh, sorrz I dont know where _ is on this kezboard" :)

  6. I also don't think bandits should get punished in any way nor would I want them gone either, that would be boring.

    However, it would be nice if being friendly and looking to team up had some (more?) advantages. Yes, you can join up with ppl you know (none of my friends like this game sadly) or join a clan (not ideal for everybody).

    Heck, it could have even been the other way around..dont get bandit skins for killing (I know, gone now) but get whatever, Medic/Mother Theresa skins for NOT killing :)

    I just find it sad that teamplay is somewhat discouraged while it usually is tons of fun when it happens.

  7. While I admit, I wasnt really neutral on the subject (disliked from the moment I read about it), I went ahead to actually play about 2 hours. Of course it had to rain for the whole time on all 3 servers that I tried, so I just went with it, had temp run to zero, while I tried to find matches anywhere in some villages :/

    I don't hate it but find this temperature thing making the game less enjoyable (and I don't mean simply harder, thats ok). My personal issues with it are...


    So now in the already small-ish inventory (at least until you find better backpacks) you have to carry 2-slot wood items, effectively decreasing all bags by that amount (which I would even prefer if that was the goal)...sure, make wood common enough so we don't have to keep it in our bag but quickly pick it up when making a fire (then again, why need it at all then and not simply increase fire making animation or something)

    More a hassle than fun (reminds me of farmville...collecting firewood? really?)

    Sure, basically finding matches, wood and warming up is basically not too different from the need to drink and eat, except that you need it WAY more often. To me it seems it moves the focus/danger from zombies and other players to the weather being a major concern while we arent even in a arctic/desert scenario where you would expect this to be some big enemy.

    Promotes the wrong behaviour

    So before I did not like nightime too much but kept trying to get used to it. Now that night drops your temperature in addition (not to mention that lighting fires at night isnt smart unless far off/well hidden), encourages people even more to switch server.

    Similar to rain of course...afterall, if night and/or rain makes you get cold and sick, whats a reasonable person to do? Stay inside and wait it out...works in real life but not playing a game isn't quite fun, sitting in some barn.

    I think enough people explained how various aspects of this getting the cold system arent realistic so I wonder what Rocket's intention was - was it realism? In that case I find it very flawed (maybe let me catch some cold after days, not 1-2 hours etc).

    Was it to make the game less forgiving/harder...there are easier things, reduce inventory, reduce max blood, increase zombie awareness radius and many other things that may be less...annoying.

    Also, it rewards being less catious (run more) and punishes crawling around in towns a lot...unless of course you balance the crawling/temp loss but jogging 15min in circles afterwards away from town..again, rather not fun I think.

    When I first read "infection" I thought thats really cool, expecting close encounters with zombies to get more dangerous...and spreading THAT kind of disease would be fun :)

  8. So now I'm playing for maybe a week or two and it's always incredibly difficult to well, play ... I don't mean to complain mind you, just checking if I'm doing something wrong?

    - I boot up arma, pull list of servers with "dayz" mission, sort by ping

    - look at anything with a green ping (about 100 server) to see there is 'almost' no spot open; the few that I see at 49/50 usually update to 50 the moment I click

    - alright so after trying like 30min I finally hit one that seems to work (of course, occasionally faster..or slower); receiving data..at times 10min+ if its not getting stuck completely

    - after that server response (just now waited 15min>bug forrest); often its the being a bird thing

    So basically when I get home, it takes me 1-2 hours before I usually make it into any particular game...if its a nightserver (I did read the discussion about loving/hating those) I basically have to suck it up because although most seem to say "dont like night, switch server", that isnt realistically working for me (also, I can only ever do that on high ping servers since I cant play much during daytime here).

    With all this, Im not even at the point where I add more trouble by trying to meet up with my buddy on a particular server :(

    Like I said, not complaining (alpha and all) but is this sort of normal for many/most people?

  9. - AMD Radeon HD 6900

    - all so far (but thats not many)

    - from the moment Im in

    - hard to say for me

    Problem is (and always was) that I need at least 30min to make it past serverfull>server not full but receiving data>received but waiting for response>Oh, Im a bird/Oh, Im in bug forrest>yay, Im in a game! (oh, fps is in zero digits..)

    So I sadly don't have the time to test too many servers in the time I have.

  10. Thanks HardTarget and TKJ...really.

    From the start of playing this recently I kept thinking, I want to find people to work with, not to shoot for no reason other than they may or may not shoot me. Most frustrating were those who identified themselves as friendly just to shoot at point blank anyways.

    Long story short...after reading many such discussions I was juuuust about to submit and join the shoot-on-sight club and hated the thought - but you made a great point, so I will keep dieing more often than others for now :)

  11. Valhingen signing in.

    Pretty fresh still and like I suppose many around here, got arma only for DayZ. I still have the problem that I don't want to kill anyone but get shot in the face even by those "Im friendly callers" but its all fun and stuff.

    Servers I play on...well, any really that lets me on? Usually when I start playing anything on page 1 (green ping) is too full anyways and only empties when it turns night *sigh*

    Other than that I'm playing SWTOR currently and played more games than I remember in the last years. (used to play some BF3 aswell)

    Anyhow...great mod, looking forward to see what it will become in the future.

  12. Same here...up to last night super fast with all settings maxed and res. 1920.

    Now basically unplayable. Walking upright is roughly the speed I had when crouching, bringing up zoom/aim takes over a full second and generally all looks like in slow motion :)

    i7 2600k 3.4

    8gb ram

    AMD Radeon HD 6900

    Pitty, just now that our little one is finally in bed :P
