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Posts posted by Buddah-_-Hash

  1. I like the concept of temp and think with proper mechanic tweaks and implementation it could be the start of something very unique and awesome. here are some of my idea's when it comes to temp.

    1 Temp = 1 Degree Fahrenheit

    Instead of starting off at 100 Temp and slowly draining down getting more and more likely to get sick and infected how about you start at 98.6 (Average and Safe Temperature of a human being) and depending on what you do you either gain temp (overheat) or lose temp (freeze). here are some examples of how both would effect the player.

    Hyperthermia a.k.a. Heatstroke ( Temp Req.: 100.0+ ) Effects: Blurry vision' date=' Vomiting (character may stop and puke making you unable to move or shoot potentially at a bad moment getting you killed or attracting zombies if in range of the sound), increased thirst gain rate, Fainting/passing out if not treated and even Death if neglected even longer ( 106.0+ Temp = Death )

    Things that raise temp for the better or worse: being near a fire (only if below normal temp), Running/Sprinting, being in direct sunlight, Staying in shelter i.e. Houses, Tents (only if below normal temp)

    Hypothermia ( Temp Req.: 95.0- Temp ) Effects : greater chance of getting an infection, Screen shaking (mimicking Shivering), slower movement/reaction speed (ADS takes longer and movement 25% slower), higher hunger gain rate, high chance of Passing out (86.0-), and Death ( 82.0- Temp = Death )

    Things that lower temp for the better or worse: Swimming, Rain storms, exposed to Night time temperatures, drinking water (only if above normal temp), sitting in shade/shelter (only if above normal temp)

    So post what you think of this idea and feel free to add some of your own thoughts to the idea.


    I agree with all of the above. This would be perfect to implement for temperature.
