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Everything posted by Survivalist_MacLaren

  1. Survivalist_MacLaren

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update (was

    just lost entire inventory after patch, feels bad man.
  2. Survivalist_MacLaren

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    How come so many people want to sabotage this mod? It's the best thing that has happened in the modding world in quite a long time and all these people are dead set on turning it into some horseshit watered down shell of a game.
  3. Survivalist_MacLaren

    NON-PVP server ?

    Quit trying to kill the mod.
  4. Survivalist_MacLaren

    IF this was an actual game...

    - Game purchase with Monthly fee? (WoW stylez) - Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez) - Free to play, buy your shit? All of these are choices where I would probably throw money down on this. Free to play is a great model, I tend to spend a decent amount of money on F2P games. As long as it's not pay2win though. I would strongly suggest a kickstarter for this project if you wanted to go retail. It would be very successful. edit: anyone saying "no" to kickstarter is a dummy
  5. Survivalist_MacLaren

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Scrap them if they are causing issues Keep them if it's not that bad
  6. Survivalist_MacLaren

    DayZ Dallas 2-3 Server [Rules/Donations]

    no voice in direct chat?
  7. Survivalist_MacLaren

    DayZ Update 1.5.3

    That still only works half of the time, I've been talking to my friends on mumble and then trying to say stuff in direct voice right next to them and they still can't hear it in-game, only through mumble.
  8. Survivalist_MacLaren

    DayZ Update 1.5.3

    Nice patch! Any idea when direct chat will be working?
  9. Survivalist_MacLaren


  10. Survivalist_MacLaren

    DayZ Steam group

  11. Survivalist_MacLaren

    Introduce yourselves

    In as MacLaren. Lived for quite a while with 0 human kills. More of a "live off the land" type of person, but whenever I join my friends I die.