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Sergio Leone

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About Sergio Leone

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. It's finally so close and I'm somehow not happy at all. Don't know why, but seeing all these videos made me completely indifferent towards the release and the game itself. Was probably waiting for something more. Maybe more role-play (the thing that I really needed in the mod and had to make up for myself), more apocalyptic atmosphere, I don't know. But this seems to me like an "pvp arena" all over again, with its tons .50 cal's and MG's, just improved, but still generally the same. PS: of course meant no disrespect to the dev. team cause you guys did some good job in such short time.
  2. I'd personally love to see less military weapons, i.e. so that weapons such as M4/AK would be as rare as SVD in the mod, and a lot more civilian weapons, shotguns, handguns, and ofc. melee ones. And definitely no .50 cal's, LMG's/MG's, NVG's and so on at all... But that's probably not going to happen, so I'm just gonna sit and quietly wait until the release :)
  3. Sergio Leone

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    That's the thing. They "appear to be heading", but I personally didn't see things heading in any direction. A minor graphics improvement, new locations, clothes, and that's it? It just makes me wonder do they have anything else to show or is this all for the moment. Well, maybe it's just me... The only thing that got me excited is seeing more enterable buildings - this is really awesome, but again I allready knew that from Q&A's
  4. Sergio Leone

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Well, it's awesome cause it's DayZ. Not cause of graphics, or clothes, etc., etc. It's the game itself. But regarding the video - again I didn't see anything that would excite me. All it gave was the usual feeling "will need to wait some more undefined amount of time until the release".
  5. Sergio Leone

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Well I personally didn't see anything I haven't already seen/knew from Q&A's and screenshots, so... Ah well, look through first page of this topic - very informative responses. I reckon if I'd post something like "yay it's here, finally, bla-bla-bla", then you'd consider it as me having something to say, right?
  6. Sergio Leone

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Can't get why people are so excited after seing the video...
  7. Sergio Leone

    Fire Fight Tactic: Suppressive Fire

    Good job on killing the sniper and making a video. It pretty good actually for beginners who are unfamiliar with combat tactics.
  8. Sergio Leone

    Tried to hit "Options", hit "Respawn" by mistake

    Same thing happened to me today. Was fully loaded and hit this damn button by mistake. And it was a pitch black night. Luckily I was able to make it from the shore to Green Mountain, where I supposedly left last time I played, and after a half an hour of running around like a blind kitten and trying to catch those sweet fly buzzing sounds I finally found my body :) +1 for making a "yes/no" option or removing it altogether
  9. Sergio Leone

    Zombies are too strong! (

    Zombies are actually a joke in this game once you know how to deal with them. Don't seem to remember the last time I was killed by a zombie.
  10. Sergio Leone

    Any Tips for a noob

    Or, as he said he just started playing. Who knows... But I'm not sure about the topic name, Desiredfx. Yo say you need some tips, yet you type something entirely different in your post.
  11. Sergio Leone

    How to downgrade from last beta-patch?

    Looks like I figured it out on my own :) Problem solved.
  12. I believe the title speaks for it self. I'm having troubles with downgrading the latest beta patch. I installed "Build_95168", and now I need "Build_95054", but I'm having an error (see attachments) when trying to downgrade. Is there any other way to downgrade? Maybe someone knows which files were affected by this beta so I could delete them manually?
  13. Yea, I'd like to see someone trying to squeeze an MG or M107 in an ALICE backpack, let alone a main rotor assembly...
  14. Sergio Leone

    SD ammo in non-SD weapons

    I noticed the same thing. Not only on M4A1 w/ M203, on all M4/M16-series that I used throughout my game experience. Using "SD ammo" in "NON-SD weapon" causes bullets to fly a bit higher than you aim (even on close distances, like 20 m)
  15. Sergio Leone

    L85 needs to be changed

    If it was up to me I'd remove a whole much more than just L85. The .50 cal. rifles, MG's, NVG's, tons of other high-grade military equipment and weapons, and the topic's L85 AWS... they all just don't fit in the apocalypse world.