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About xryken

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Applied, are you guys still taking in applicants? message me on here for a response, thanks
  2. On our server GPS was disabled, so how do you re-enable it as admin?
  3. xryken

    =WKS= Clan *RECRUITING* Mature ONLY

    Fun sniping tonight looking foward to future snipes possibly joining
  4. xryken

    What is your favorite gun to use and why?

    M16acog, easy accurae easy ammo
  5. xryken


    Character Name: Ryken Why are you a good team player? I have been part of a medic group (RNG) so I have experience how to work as a team when to listen and when to supply my knowledge. How many hours per week do you play? about 4 hours a day Real Name: Kevin What is your favorite weapon? m16, or m24 How Long Have You Played Dayz: 2-3 months What Can YOU Offer The Clan: I am talented in the role of assualt and but am good at Recon since I have been part of a medic group for a long time so i can offer my talents in raids or loots and know how to properly do them so i would be a possitive gain to the group Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: of course hoping others would do the same for me i would do that for them, and being in part of a good group means they help eachother out. What is most important to you in Dayz? Good communication, friendliness to help eachother out if its learning new material or helping others survive bandits. Time Zone: EST Age: 21 Additional Comment: PM me on here or add my steam name: xryken also i have ts3 and a mic
  6. hahaha commited my first murder as well the other day and had the same question, i was in balota inside the control tower and i heard someone firing from outside the airstrip, thing was is it was a clan server so i was freaking out thinking the clan was there, so i sat at the top of the stairs with my m16 aimed towards the bottom knowing that right when they turned the corner i was going to shoot. Shoot and killed the first guy and heard him cry on the mic, it was someone in the clan, his buddy ran in after him...i shot him too....felt awful =/
  7. Age: 21 kill: reg - Vet Preferred role: Assualt maybe snipe IRL location: US. steam name : xRyken can use team speak, also i play LoL on NA, silver elo, ign TNG ViTaL