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About aces

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  1. aces

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    Would be nice for bodies to stay until server restart. Also, bring back the sound of flies around corpses!
  2. aces

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    I absolutely loved Lingor. Great memories of lone wolfing on that map, so awesome. Sad that it's no longer played.
  3. Nothing on combat logging / server hopping yet? :(
  4. Nice to see things still chugging along, not a whole lot of info there that we didn't know already, granted. It would be great if there were a few sewers and/or underground bunkers incorporated into Chernarus. Think Object A2 on Namalsk style.
  5. aces

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    The main issue with first person in the mod is that the FOV is terrible. It needs to be increased a bit IMO. In the video some of the loot is showing up as those little green pouches, like in the mod. Hope that is going to be changed :) City looked great and I think all these new areas are going to add a lot of exciting game play to the map. Another issue with the mod IMO is that there are not enough higher value loot points. So really, you only get decent action at the NWAF. If NEAF was made a little bigger (a barracks added etc) it would be awesome. Also Green Mountain would be a great place for a higher grade loot spawn - the battles to try to take and hold that place would be immense. The key I guess is finding the balance between adding more interesting areas yet still keeping plenty of forest/wilderness. Also some thicker trees are needed in places for hiding tents/cars, as at the moment they are easily found by choppers. Some camo net/cover (rare spawn) would be a nice addition to the game. I'm rambling - you've probably already addressed most of these things I like the vault animation, the animations still seem very Arma2 style though. Is that going to change with the new skeletons/animations? Good progress on zombie path finding too! I can't wait for this game, keep up the good work! Oh yeah, meant to say it would be awesome to have a mapper working full time on another map from like now. Then in 6 months time it would be ready to provide an alternative to chernarus!
  6. aces

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I'm not too bothered, hopefully it'll be ready in January. However it would be nice to get a small update from either Rocket or one of the other devs. Just something brief with a few screenshots.
  7. They're still there. They just killed everyone on the server.
  8. theres a hacker in the server right now... making everyone dance and putting up blackscreens etc..
  9. Pretty sure I just got killed by a hacker. Teleported in front of me at the school in Elektro. About 13:49 GMT
  10. Played on here today but was killed twice when unarmed after spawning. Some real tools around, although I did meet a nice guy 'MadDuck' before that. I'll be back later and hope for a bit more luck! :)
  11. Getting this same issue, it's really annoying. * [NEW] Three UI options available: Default (indicators only), Debug (indicators + debug window), None (only base ArmA2 UI) So default doesn't show the debug monitor, neither does None (obviously). Debug DOES, but then the HUD to let you know when you're low on blood/food/drink DOES NOT work.
  12. aces

    Stuck at Loading Screen..

    Getting the same issue here. :(
  13. Well no, that isn't problem solved, is it? God I hate idiots.
  14. aces

    Respawn and Die

    Day Z Development ‏@dayzdevteam No one die, we have reached the maximum amount of supported characters for arma solving the problem now. :) - Matt