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Everything posted by Pacifism

  1. Dayz Name: Pacifism or Changed for recon and other usage. How long have you played Dayz: A good long while. (months) Time Zone: Central- USA Age: 23 (24 in October) PvP experience: Night Ops, Hunting by ear, Squad tactics. Ex-COD competitive/retired tactical crouch squad. Favorite Gun/Combo: Any Assault. Im not afraid to clear a building. Team Experience: I am a current member of the -*DZM*- (DayZ Mercenaries) my leader asked us to attempt combining with you due to time issues in real life. We have raided camps. Stolen vehicles and stashes. Did some heli flight. Made another bandit group complain of us on their video logs. How familiar with the map are you?: Its literally printed on my wall. Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: Yes and topographic maps in real life.