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About dirtyarry

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    Nottingham, England
  1. dirtyarry

    Accused of hacking by OWN TEAM! due to this video..

    why are you using a voice changer to try and sound like a chick?
  2. dirtyarry

    New equipment

    I'm gonna get a new CPU on friday (payday) but as for now, I'm going to try and over clock my CPU i tiny bit...! Sounds good, maybe this budget processor will do the job then... I don't want anything too crazy as long as it does its job, I will be happy.
  3. dirtyarry

    New equipment

    Good evening gents! I think its time to upgrade.... specs are: OS: Windows 7u 32bit Processor: Intel Pentium Dual CPU 2.00GHz Ram: 2GB Video: Geforce 640GT 2gb What would you suggest I upgraded first? Personally I think the graphics card is fine, and the RAM is only £9 to get another 2GB. So I think i've just answered my own question but what are your thoughts? Also, a little off topic; my current processor is skt 775, does this mean i'll have to get another skt 775? because the only type of processor my local shop has in 775 is a 3.00GHz dual core intel (for £60) is that any good? would dual 3.00GHz handle today's gaming world? or would I need to get a new mother board + processor? What are your suggestions survivors?
  4. dirtyarry

    GTX 670 FTW getting 20 FPS in cities ._.

    Thermonuke is god Also, a good tip i came across is with the arma 2 engine is that any setting set UNDER high will use your CPU; so try to balence a few of them out so your CPU and GPU dont get bottle necked.
  5. dirtyarry

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I think infected hunters might be the 3 zombies that spawn near deer stands maybe? ... yes I know they're dressed in military clothing, but could be a possibility.
  6. dirtyarry

    Not your usual performance issue thread

    Awesome dude, sounds good! I'll have to get you on skype or something!
  7. Ive seen hackers change the time / weather, so could be that! Server restart will fix
  8. dirtyarry

    Not your usual performance issue thread

    Sounds good, I'll give it a go now and report back. Thanks again. EDIT: Right, I'm happy with that... I am now getting 20-30FPS in Cherno, only problem is there is only about 7 servers active at so not many people are in a server... The real question is will i continue getting 20FPS in a populated server!? I'll keep you posted. Thanks again Sgt.
  9. dirtyarry

    Not your usual performance issue thread

    The Mac runs it fine!!
  10. Hey dudes, So, my DayZ journey started on my Macbook Pro, and yes, it plays awesome! obviously I have a few FPS drops here and there but who doesn't? So, as I'm enjoying my DayZ journey on my MBP I decided to purchase a new Geforce 460 2GB for my PC, I install the new card and install all the updates, ArmA 2, DayZ etc, etc... Everything runs fantastic, smooth FPS, fantastic response- couldn't fault it! Then it all started to go down hill, FPS has dropped a dramatic amount (i'll be lucky to push 4-6 FPS in Elektro!) I thought it might be the update because I've read a few forums about FPS drops so I thought it might be that, so I update my game on my MBP and tried it, but everything is fine still? Do you guys have any suggestions? (I'm going to try a fresh re-install tonight, I'll keep you updated) My specs are: MacBook Pro (Late 2010) Processor: 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor RAM: 4GB Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 320M graphics processor with 256MB of DDR3 SDRAM shared with main memory HDD: 250GB PC: Processor: 3,4GHz Dual Core intel RAM: 2GB Graphics: Geforce 460, 2GB HDD: 500GB Thanks for reading!