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About karr

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. karr

    The Brutal Diary: Ad Infinitum

    Yeah, I know the dr. I still can't fathom why he calls himself a Dr. Worst day of my life, the day I met him. This was the day I learned just how inhuman a man can be. Life is not something to be saved for him, it exists only to be taken. I suppose he goes by Dr for the pure irony, I've yet to see him help a single life, unless your outlook is so bleak that you relate death to help, in that he helps many. How did we meet? Well, after being a lone survivor for so long, one craves that connection, just a glimpse of social interaction that lets you know life goes on, that humanity isn't quite finished. I was headed into Electro for some medical supplies and just outside dobery I heard voices. These were cheer filled and unburdened voices, voices I haven't heard since the infection, tones I believed extinct. For a fleeting moment I thought there was a change, and indeed I was right, though not how I ever imagined. You see they really were happy and without fear or reservation, only it was wrong, it was so for all the wrong reasons. They were this way because, for them, there was nothing left to fear, you see, they were the fear. I believed otherwise, a breakthrough cure, a band of survivors and heros... no. Upon entering the small gathering of survivors I realized, all too late, that they were not who I had hoped, they were the enemy, moreso than the zeds, they were bandits. Everything from head to toe suggested they were not friendly, but the one part, the one reason I definitively knew, it was their eyes, his especially. They just weren't right, something was missing. Before the change, I made my life reading people, I was a corporate hiring agent, a head hunter. It was my job to see truth in eyes, sense intention in minimal interaction, it paid the bills. It would once again pay a bill, the look in his eye was all telling. He was without what makes us human, he was worse than anything around, dead or not. Without an option and no chance to take back my appearance I spoke, “I'm here as a friend to you, I'm writing about your life.”
  2. I like the ideas and the support/hesitation, all very valid. I think some randomness could add a very fun nature to the game, and if you're really just not into the immersion aspect of survival world then you can always die off and get a new character, or go play cod :P I really dont mean for every character to have an issue to overcome, in fact i mean quite the opposite, a small small amount of survivors have a specific condition that would need addressing. If you dont want it, spawn a new, for those that dont mind it and are into that stuff, it might be some kind of unspoken pride in overcoming adversity. Its not necessarily about making the game harder, but just stepping outside the box, getting away from the predictable without making the game rediculous. Add one more link that connects this game to what could be real. I honestly see the posatives and negatives, but ultimately think it could be a nice addition.
  3. Yeah, i just want to get the ball rolling and for there to be many conditions, some severe some funny some just there asthetically, you certainly have the right idea :) And its also somewhat nice for those spawners that spawn/suicide to get a good starting spot, you then would have a chance to get your good spot and a slight chance that you also have hysteria, choose another suicide or a bit more effort lol.
  4. I think, going in line with the idea of making the game more real and intense/immersing, a good idea would be to have a random chance for your character to have a medical condition when you spawn. I would expect the chance to be very small as it would depend on the condition, but as well because people with such conditions would likely die quickly due to their increased complications surviving. Having different conditions could help challenge the player and give them more reasons to be in town/in a network of survivors, even bartering would be more necessary. To be more specific, here are a few ideas. Diabetes- a player could be diabetic, this would require finding medicine/insulin at medical tents or hospitals Heart conditions- again pills/medicine found in medical spawns. Anemia- perhaps sourcing specific foods from markets, increased blood loss from bleeding Mental disorders- again sourcing from hospitals or maybe the inclusion of new buildings for this type of medicine. Possible challenges of distorted vision/hallucinations(mild). Smoking, yes tactically its a horrible idea, and yet I can't imagine everyone just quitting if this were to happen. Could find smokes in different stores. Well, this is a rough idea of what I have in mind. Basically I'm thinking of ways to increase the survival challenge, incentives to scavenge towns, and increase the depth of the game. Yes, it is likely that a player that gets a poor medical condition would likely just suicide to get another chance, but those who stick with it for the challenge could also get that needed increase in things to do, as it stands now, you can get a hatchet, knife, and matches and literally never need to come to town, this could be a good way to change that for some.
  5. Just sent a skype request, beginning with kris..... I match up on all the above, and am just tired of low action on my typical servers, hit me up and we can wreck some house.