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Everything posted by picktown9

  1. Im looking also ! Name: Nathan inGame:picktown age: 17 history: played cod4 highest level why i want a group/clan/team: I thrive off team work. I love the feeling of comming together and accomplishing a goal. extra: Im chill i listen to what needs to be done . I am not a leader but a listener
  2. picktown9

    ZAS clan recruiting

    Name: Nathan In-game Name: Picktown Age: 17 Location: USA East Coast What Games you Play: dayz did play cod4 css wow and MANY MANY MANY more Experience on DayZ/Gaming: Been playing non-stop between work and school. History with gaming . Used to play highest level of cod4 . Game died and decided to take a brake and relax and play a game that makes you think Why do you want to join? I get bored by self i want to work with a team i want to be able to give and /receive help when someone or i need it