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Lefroy Jenkins

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Everything posted by Lefroy Jenkins

  1. Lefroy Jenkins

    Best Reaction on DayZ destroys computer

    Jesus.. I remember that kid...
  2. Lefroy Jenkins

    Looking for North American Survivors

    Like above, use DayZ Commander. it'll show you pretty much every server, I like CA1 myself. I get a good ping, and it's well populated with friendlies.
  3. Lefroy Jenkins

    DayZ "classes" and sub-classes" the way i see it

    Loot runner class - freelance.
  4. Let's see if I can sum this up. Some folks like to hide on the hills and take potshots at other folks for the sheer joy of killing. Other folks don't like this, and feel that is a cowardly way to play. The snipers don't like being called cowards, and complain that they have every right to act in this manner. Does that bring us all up to date? I think I have a solution - Snipers, carry on as you have been. You do in some odd ways provide a needed service in Chernarus - that of keeping people on their toes. I don't like your playstyle, but that don't mean shit, now does it? Victims that are getting pissed about it, maybe you should consider taking up Snipe Hunting as a hobby. Systematically search and destroy any camps you find, watch the typical Snipe spots for bandits and kill them on sight. Make it harder for them to enjoy their kill count. Hell, maybe some of them will enjoy the adrenaline of being both predator AND prey more than sitting around taking cheap shots at gearless spawns. Castigate them in the forums all you want, that's not a downside for them, it's justifying their "fun".
  5. Lefroy Jenkins

    Looking for North American Survivors

    I tend to be a danger to those around me - The name is there for a reason - but if you want a loot runner, I might be interested. I mainly play on CA1, and not as often as I'd like when I work day shift. Gots to spend time with the family I hardly see for two weeks at a time. Lefroy.Jenkins on Skype
  6. Lefroy Jenkins

    Advice on which gun to use

    Hatchet FTW! Super-silent, 10000 shots per clip, and a not ineffective range. First thing I look for.
  7. Well, using the map at dayzdb, or the in game map, try to find landmarks around you that you can see on the map. If you want to get to the coast, head south or southeast to get there. I believe the clouds move eastward only in Dayz, and if it is night time, you can reliably find north by looking at the stars. Anytime you find power lines or a roadway, it will lead to a settlement of some type. Hope that helps, I'm not really sure what you are asking exactly about Kamenka to Balota, though. Oh, wait. Are those YOUR co-ordinates in the link? Head southeast.
  8. I was looking at "Run for Your Lives" vids on youtube, and saw a video of what looked to me at first like a couple of guys in a field. I realized it was a game, started watching more tutorial vids, and then I saw Sacriel's "Why you should get DayZ". I proceeded to buy Arma II CO, download DayZ, become frustrated with the gameplay on my laptop, and buy a new computer. I haven't touched my Xbox in over a month. I think it might belong to the kid now.
  9. Lefroy Jenkins

    Funny ways you've died.

    Got myself lost in the mountains(somewhere), it was early on in my time in the game. Not looking where I was going, I fell down a crevice and broke my legs. Decided I might as well have some fun with dying, since it was going to happen anyway, so I turned my body perpendicular to the slope and held down the E button. Damned if I didn't roll almost all the way down before I went off one last cliff and died.
  10. Lefroy Jenkins

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    That's my point. There is NO storyline. Therefore, there's no addition to the story by adding child zombies, which will have no effect on the game other than to provide "let's kill some kids" fodder for youtube.
  11. Lefroy Jenkins

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    Where has this thread been? We should all be posting up the friendlies we meet, show folks it's not ALL bandits and KoS out there. I was playing on CA 1 - met up with two confirmed friendlies. Friendly #1: I had spawned in somewhere on the East Coast. I'm not sure where, I was fiddling with my headset trying to get it to sync up and missed the location. I was heading north along the coastline, because that's what I do. I heard a motor sounding in the distance, and crouched down, looking out at the road for any sign of movement. I saw nothing, and turned to go on my way, when I noticed a blip moving towards me in the sea. As it got closer I could a single survivor in a small raft. I got in, and we travelled back along the coast to a relatively zombie free area. His name, although we never properly introduced ourselves, was Cooper. He asked me if I wanted to sneak up and check for supplies and gas. I responding by jumping out of the boat and tearing ass through the small town, luring the zombies to the docks, then rushing back to check supplies. I inevitably got cornered, having forgotten that I didn't have an axe yet, and died. I respawned in Balota and began making my way eastward. I called out to Cooper on side channel that I had died, but he must have missed it and almost died waiting for my safe return to the boat. Thanks for my first boat ride, Cooper. Hope we meet again. Friendly #2: On my way to meet Cooper I found a bus. I had gas with me, but no wheel to fix it. I announced the bus and location on side channel, and Sam showed up to repair it. We took a Leeroy run through Elektro, miraculously drawing fire only once, and headed north to a factory for further repairs. Unfortunately, I, and then Sam were murdered by someone already at the factory. We'll get another bus Sam, don't worry about it. Report more friendlies! There are a lot of us out there.
  12. Lefroy Jenkins

    Die, Cant create new character stuck at loading

    I've been having trouble with a few servers lately. I die, log out, log back in on another server and instead creating a new character I spawn in outside Kamenka - with low blood, a broken leg, and an eternal stun timer.
  13. Lefroy Jenkins

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    Chabowski: I only have one question for you. Do you think that there will be enough "story" in the standalone to make the addition of children to the game an EFFECTIVE change to the atmosphere?
  14. Lefroy Jenkins

    Discourage Player Killing Suggestion

    It seems to me that any advantages that would be right to offer players who play co-operatively and group up with others are advantages that they would already be gaining. For example, I think better general health was mentioned. It's natural to have higher blood levels when you travel with others who can give you a transfusion, as opposed to the solitary bandit healing with steak. Mmmmm steak. Sorry, got sidetracked there. But the same holds true for defense, offense, looting supplies, repairing vehicles, pretty much every aspect of the game is benefitted. So I think the reward system you want is already in place, you just need to refuse to shoot first. You'll die. A lot. But those times that you don't will be worth it.
  15. Lefroy Jenkins

    Get rid of Snipers completely?

    I like the idea of having sniper rifles. I want to be able to pick of Zeds from a safe distance, rather than always relying on my axe and my feet to clear an area. I've also only ever found one sniper rifle, a CZ, and that was in my very first life. I want another turn. :) Besides that, if it's "bandit" snipers you're worried about, there will be a proportionate number of bandit hunters out there watching the hills and rooftops.
  16. Lefroy Jenkins

    debug monitor

    Oh, mine got turned off with the last update. i just assumed it was gone.
  17. Lefroy Jenkins

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    I don't exactly disagree with you. Yes, it would be more *ahem* realistic, but so would needing to repair and use a vehicle to transport parts for another vehicle. IRL I couldn't possibly carry around, let alone sprint around while carrying, say, a spare tire or rotor assembly for a helicopter. There's a couple of metric fucktons of stuff to add/modify for realism. But rather than go down that particular road, let's focus on the children. "Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?!" Sorry, couldn't help myself. Do players want children added simply as yet another target to shoot at? Or do they think that we'll all get enough story/plot to build the involvement of the player to the point where we care about what happened BEFORE we start playing the game. Will we get a two hour movie that introduces us to these kids, will we see them as people, who had names, and hopes and dreams and all the other crap that makes us give a damn about other people? Would most of the players, especially those clamouring to be able to shoot child zombies, even watch it if we did get it? Otherwise, they're just little monsters, like the big ones, but smaller. Do we really need that? Is it so important to force everyone to shoot child zeds? You know we'd have to. What else, run out of town every time you aggro one of them? IMO, it's simply not necessary. The effort required to properly implement this would not be worth the benefits, and if it's just thrown in haphazardly, it will have a negative effect on the game.
  18. Lefroy Jenkins

    Maybe the mountain dew curse is true

    I found a Dew once. I'll never pick one up again. Found it in a cafe in Cherno. Hadn't seen hardly a zed at all to that point in my visit. within five minutes of picking it up, I got swarmed by about 25 zeds. I took out a few of them, had to use triple headshots on them. What kind of zeds take a TRIPLE headshot to kill? Even with a lousy Mak, it shouldn't take a triple. If I ever see a green can again, I'm not touching it. Unless it's 7-Up. I love that shit.
  19. Lefroy Jenkins

    debug monitor

    How do you switch between the two?
  20. Lefroy Jenkins

    S**t..i killed a Survivor

    I'm learning to be more careful... a little too slowly though. I was in the Cherno church today, and heard someone firing a makarov multiple times, accompanied by the sounds of a lot of aggro'd zeds. I called out to him on the side channel to come into the church, and I would help him take out the horde. Unfortunately, side channel is open, so somebody overheard. I see a survivor come in the front door, I aim away from him, and a few short rounds later, I'm looking at the hand of death. Seconds later, I see the fellow I was trying to help has been killed. My dying comment to my killer was "At least you could have let me give you a transfusion first." I'm getting to the point where KoS doesn't seem like such a bad idea after all. I'm still trying though.
  21. Lefroy Jenkins

    Grounded the little turd

    To BudBaker and WalkerDown, what is it about this that you don't get? Cheating is wrong. Doesn't matter who else you claim does it. Aside from that, his cheating earned a global ban from the game on a SHARED copy of the game. Here, let's get your copy banned so you can no longer play at all. Still think it's no big deal? As for the punishment handed down, doesn't seem harsh to me. There's this thing parents are supposed to teach their children, it's called ethics. The ends do not justify the means, no matter how massive or insignificant those ends may be.
  22. Lefroy Jenkins

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    Try to notice the very dramatic treatment that single scene was given. In order to shoot that child, they spent most of the season doing very little else but building the sense of hope and dread that led to this scene. Then they dragged the scene out to show the emotionally devastating effects this was having on those involved. You won't get that treatment in a videogame if children zombie models are used. You'll get "Killing Kids in DayZ" videos on YouTube, but you won't see any life shattering drama, because that requires work to set up. I said before that I thought the addition of children to DayZ would be too disturbing. I wasn't referring to the children themselves, but what a sizeable portion of the playerbase would do with it. So, unless DayZ is going to have Final Fantasy style cutscenes interspersed through it, the addition of children to DayZ could not get the treatment it requires, and for that reason, I can't support the idea.
  23. Lefroy Jenkins


    I thought he meant the "I'm at skool rite now."
  24. Lefroy Jenkins

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    While I believe this would add to the "realism" of the game, I think it would become kind of disturbing. Might be just me though.
  25. I had an idea tonight that would take a lot of cooperation between a lot of players, but would be pay off in spades if it works. I was supposed to run in this weekend's "Run for Your Lives" 5K Obstacle course, but I hurt ,my back again and had to pull out(hur hur hur - sorry). That sucks, but it got me to thinking - A full marathon is roughly 26Km, which would be about the length of the main highway from Kamenka to Berezino. What if we signed up say, 25 Runners to run the highway, plus however many zeds would join up as well? It would make for a great race, and a great way for players to interact without having to worry about someone panicking and ganking them in the face. Why only 25, you ask? Well, let's leave some room for the bandits. Let's sign up 15 bandits to lay up on the hills overlooking the highway along the route to ... well, do what it is that they do. They ARE bandits, right? And finally, we need 10 "cameramen" - perhaps stationary along the route, perhaps even including some hackers using the invisibility thingy to capture the action in the crowd. I can't make this happen myself. If there's no interest, there's no interest, and that's that. If the interest is there, I need servers, players, co-ordinators, etc.. I know there are a lot of details I haven't addressed here - we can sort those out as a group.