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Everything posted by JudgeX

  1. OP nailed it 100%. It's not just Day Z. It's the folks who live in Mom's basement for any game/community who respond the way many of the people here do, from EVE Online to World of Warcraft to Project Reality and BF3.
  2. I support the idea of cannibalism. It's quite often a natural, human response to starvation.
  3. How tiring to constantly repeat myself. 1) I did not advocate for a safe zone. Another "survivor" may shoot me in the back of the head just as quickly as a bandit. 2) Punishing/hindering/rewarding any specific play style will destroy this mod? So a dude who never murders anybody starts with a compass.... that's it boys, I'm uninstalling. Screw this. Or... I had to spawn 10 whole minutes away from people who don't want to play spawn-deathmatch?! PREPOSTEROUS. Uninstalled! If that's YOUR attitude, don't assume that such small, simple changes would destroy such a great mod. Also, it's not punishing someone or hindering them to spawn them near other players who exhibit a similar playstyle. They die just the same. There's already a hindered playstyle called "being friendly" that is currently being absolutely removed from the game by "shoot first, ask questions later" brought about by respawn+makarov madness.... that is... unless you "travel for 5 minutes away from the coast first thing" ... which you happily ask of people with a different playstyle from the one you support. One more way to view it: 1) I like coke! I start with cokes in hand! 2) I like pepsi! I have to travel for 5 minutes to get a pepsi! Solution: If you like pepsi, you start with a pepsi in your hand instead of a coke. Response: THE GAME IS RUINED IF EVERYONE DOESN'T BEGIN WITH A COKE!
  4. I like that idea a lot, but I don't like the idea of "punishing" bandits. Nobody should "know" you are a bandit, really.
  5. I think we need to seperate the people who spawn, run, gun and dumb from bandits. There are plenty of players who aren't bandits, who respawn and continuously run into town shooting zombies until they find some loot. Also not effective for long-term survival. Currently, cooperative play is naturally encouarged for survivor and bandit alike. What you suggest is perks for people who play nice beyond the benefits that are already present. I agree that people like Ranger Respawn should be addressed. I don't think any magical god points should be rewarded for being friendly. I prefer my apocalypse full of danger and tense social interactions. As it stands there are plenty of "survivor" groups that headed north, got geared, got bored and now run around murdering people. Also, working together isn't beneficial in every situation. Adding rewards for working together that don't exist in reality is an observation of morality. Rewards for working together don't exist in reality? News to me. Last I checked having a good reputation was quite valuable, and would remain so in a Zombie apocalypse situation. Since the only way to really "team up" effectively is to "bring your own friends" I don't see why handing a player who very rarely murders other humans a free compass or an upgraded backpack every couple of re-spawns would really be "unrealistic". Let's look at it this way: Player 1 wants to run around and shoot people for the lulz. Level of satisfaction with Day Z? 100%. Player 2 wants to test his skills in a realistic zombie apocalypse that allows for banditry and cooperation. Level of satisfaction? 100%... until he runs into Player 1 50 or 60 times, then more like 50%. I don't want the game to become "coop players are God" or "Coop players start with an MP5SD and 10 mags"... just want it to take a couple short steps away from "Call of Duty w/ griefing"
  6. 1) I didn't suggest "Safety Zones" or "judgements"... I'm talking about something that simulates the realism and balances the risk and reward of different playstyles. 2) Spawn and shoot playstyle is exploiting the fact that you don't actually die in the game forever when you are killed. Players are wielding the respawn mechanic as a weapon against players who want to explore the environment... 3) Thus, my suggestion was to put stress on respawning too frequently after shooting a bunch of people... to "gently" segregate players based on playstyle, while still allowing full interaction between them in a manner no different than what exists. In reality, for this "experiment"... people would not be stepping off of a boat in Cherno and shooting other people in the back of the head instantaneously, being shot, reappearing magically, and shooting someone else over and over again for 4 straight hours. Would someone camp a tower and rifle down some innocent folks for their stuff? Sure. THAT... is the fun experiment part, is how survivors deal with that problem. When you deal with that problem and then he holds in W until he can finish you off with his makarov after you killed him fair and square, and as a result of burning his two lives he gets all the stuff in your tent you worked for for 4 hours... he's just exploiting the respawn mechanic. That's why people complain. Not because they are carebears or they want some kind of "judgement" for player behavior. if you want to just observe how people behave when unrestricted, there are plenty of games out there for that, too, so neither is "new" material.
  7. I read about this mod, bought Arma II to check it out, and am very glad I did. Thank you to the creator/s (Rocket, I believe?)... The world needs more games that fill this sandbox niche. It also feels almost like a rogue-like game, in that survival for a long period of time is somewhat unlikely. This is a very good thing, and breathes fresh air into the gaming industry that I have been begging for ... for over a decade. Whether Day Z lives on to a full fledged release and gets its own box in Best Buy, or stays a mod forever, as far as I'm concerned, it has done extremely well, and has scratched a certain itch for me. So, again, thanks... great work, and please keep it up if you can!
  8. I'm sorry, did you fail to read? Did I mention removing PVP? The changes that I mention would actually strengthen it. Is this another mod community that will devolve into troll-fodder?
  9. JudgeX

    Zip ties / Handcuffs

    +1 to this. If someone respawns or disconnects while cuffed, they die and you get their stuff if you haven't already taken it. I think this adds to the game and shouldn't be too hard to implement. If implemented correctly, it also gives a way to incapacitate a player without killing... so, you sneak up on a guy who is near your position, cuff him, tell him to leave or ask if he wants to be cool with you... establish whether you trust him on his word or not, and release him... or take all of his ammo and let him loose and leave him a magazine somewhere to pick up later... Lots of cool possibilities with this, and something very nice for the RPers, too. Bandits can take you and a friend hostage, release one of you, and send you off to find a certain item to trade for freedom. Yeah, you can disconnect, or you can play along, either way, they get something out of it.