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About JudgeX

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. JudgeX

    Weapon Requests

    So glad to see some support for the Mosin. It's just such an awesome surplus military weapon. I have 2 myself. Reliable, runs well... it's a definite zombie-apocalypse handout weapon... second line all the way, but how much I'd love to have one in Day Z on so many occasions. Should kill a zombie in one hit chest or head, be accurate at medium and long range (but no optic unless we also get a mosin sniper)... The drawback to the weapon is that it's bolt action, so, maybe you have to tap R between shots or there's a time limit, or the gun goes out of iron sight mode while you cycle (since every dude isn't going to be a pro mosin shooter)? I don't know. This would make it great if you only had 1 or 2 zombies after you, but if you mess up and get that 3rd or 4th zed on your trail, the mosin starts to suffer... Also, bayonet ;).
  2. JudgeX

    Weapon Requests

    1) Mosin Nagant Why? Durable, regionally accurate, large caliber, bolt action... very cool old gun with plentiful surplus ammo supply... not a superman weapon, but something reliable, sturdy, and solid enough to hit a zombie and put him down at 200 yards. 2) Melee Weapons (been requested like 3000 times). Why? Just realistic... before I'd let one zombie chase me 5 km, I'd jam a tire iron in its mouth. However, i'd like to see that using the melee weapons is something you only do as a last resort... like you aren't going to fight off a zombie and have full health, and 2 or 3 zombies and you are done for. 3) Compound Bow Why? Quiet, used frequently by hunters, reusable ammo. Maybe more plentiful ammo than the crossbow, but a little harder to hit with. Also, if the shotgun could be a little more deadly to groups of zombies that would be cool, too.
  3. I think this needs to be a dev priority... this and maybe establishing server groups. I've also thought about the possibility of distributing the character storage task to some of the servers, as well...
  4. JudgeX

    World permadeath

    So while I'm asleep, a group of neckbeards with nothing better to do besides troll blows up my character? No thanks.
  5. Well, the game instantly closes when you alt-F4... like, faster than any game I've ever played in my whole life outside of Solitaire. I dunno if the scripting of Arma II allows for slowing that down or disabling it, but if it does, I'd seriously consider throwing a wrench in there.
  6. I'm extremely aware of this. But I think the game would ultimately be more fun for everyone if that "kicking over" took a tiny bit more work than it currently does. Note: I'm not talking about when I get Winchestered in the north by a guy who wants my Winchester ammo... or when I tromp into a building and the nervous guy blasts my face off. I LOVE those encounters, and even when it's my death, they make an awesome story...
  7. Anyway, it's a fun thread, whether you agree or disagree. I am impressed that the community has remained civil, even with differing opinions. That alone gives me even more hope for this mod than I think even patch notes that include my favorite hoped-for changes :). To get back to it, the game really is about sandcastles. You are given a sandbox, and several tools to cooperate and build sandcastles with... and equally many tools to steal sand and work from other people, just like in reality... it's a great balance between those two playstyles... It really is that third playstyle of "kick every sandcastle, respawn, repeat" that I feel is horribly unrealistic. btw, when I say sandcastles, I mean "survival" and "stockpiles" and "cooperative goals".
  8. Why do you need words? The mod has elements of cooperation. Bandaging others, sharing tents and fires, working to gather parts for vehicles and multiple seats... so on and so forth... I didn't say that the people who want to enjoy that unmolested are doing anything better or correct... I was stating that some people have that desire, while others have the desire to... well... molest... and that's fine, too... Like I said, my only complaint is the exploitation of the respawn mechanic and how easy it is to wield against people who are working hard at cooperation. Making that 20% harder wouldn't ruin the game.
  9. 30 seconds if it's not prime-time and it takes 4 spawn-in-attempts to not land in the debug woods.
  10. Listening right now... this is kind of like EVE Radio. I like it!
  11. I considered buying Arma II about 15 times over the past year or so.. as I'm a big Project Reality fan and they were doing an Arma II mod. Also, military sim is more what i'm interested in if it's ever made actually fun... But, to answer the question, Day Z made me take the plunge and pull out my wallet. Worth every penny. In all honesty, I wish I could have paid the money directly to Rocket.
  12. I kill survivors all the time... but, I also want to link up with other players sometimes. I don't see why people who mostly just kill other people should spawn right beside people who want to team up. Leave the PVP as it is, with no penalties for murder... but, as your humanity drops lower and lower, you should spawn around other people with low humanity rather than people who work to cooperate. You can still go kill them all you want...
  13. Maybe a max chase distance, but also a chance of tripping and falling while being chased to make up for it? You're freaked out because you're being chased by zombies... they'll stop after 300 yards or so, but in that 300 yards while sprinting, you have a good chance of falling down or getting otherwise slowed? I don't know... I'm not 100% happy with that solution... but yeah, being chased to the ends of the Earth by a zombie is pretty crazy annoying... in real life, I'd stop at a trash pile, grab a pipe, and take him down... or start throwing bricks, or maybe even just gouge out the damn thing's eyes and take a little damage.
  14. LOL, so, to sum up OP's post... "My playstyle has no disadvantages, don't change anything!" My reply is... Your playstyle exists in other games. Go give those a try. Survival games are very rare. 100% random PVP with no consequence for the aggressor is stupid.