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About krizzern100

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. krizzern100

    DayZ Stories

    Me and my friend was having an good time, found ourselves a car, we just needed two car wheels, and an engine block. My friend said that we should run back to our camp and see if we got something in our tents. We were both well armed and killed animals on the trip home, we found this cow in the middle of the field, my friend killed the cow and stared to cut it. I was watching him in the meantime, when suddenly... BOOOOOM..Out of fucking nowhere, an bandit was standing behind us and shooting at us with an Bizon SD. I managed to get in a few shoots at his head, but he wouldn't die. Me and my friend asked for mercy and screamed at him. But he didn't give a shit. My friend also tried to shoot at him, but he somehow teleported around and shot at us from different places. We died, for nothing. That day, we undestood that hackers are just some huge dicks who enjoys takeing the fun out of peoples lives.