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Everything posted by Rybur

  1. Or maybe more vehicles.
  2. Rybur

    Brilliant Idea!

    You can't log out when you are knocked out so you should be knocked out and in shock.
  3. Rybur

    DayZ forums in a nutshell.

  4. Now here is a good samaritan, you could've just taken it all for you :P
  5. To start get DayZ commander. It's a better launcher than Six Launcher and you do it easily. To change the location you follow the video steps and when you need to change the directory go to the "Settings" tab in DayZ Commander, scroll down, look for DayZ Directory and check override. Then you put the directory of the partition you created using ramdisk.
  6. Travel to the north like a boss and raid the airfield in my bycicle.
  7. People will always kill others just for fun. This is a game not real life. In real life you would team up and of course there would be killers. But this is DayZ. Most of the players don't fear death just becuase they will respawn and start a new "life". If you wanted a game where everybody would help each other you would have to get a story made. And that goes against all that DayZ represents.
  8. Rybur

    What next.....

    Just go to the NW Airfield and try to get a helicopter :P
  9. I was watching a livestream and people from the server started getting global ban. This is odd :/
  10. Rybur

    Server Hopping and Ghost Flanking solution

    A 90 seconds timer should start the moment you leave the server and would only let get into a server the moment the timer ends. It would stop some of the issues but the rest is impossible to solve.
  11. You made the right decision. Most of the people just rage and make QQ posts when they get killed by a hacker. DayZ is still in alpha and it is one of the best games I currently play. I wouldn't leave dayz not even if I get killed every day by some childish hacker.
  12. Rybur

    Buying a new laptop! Will this work?

    If you really need a laptop then try and get a decent gaming one. If you don't actually need a laptop I would recomment you to build a desktop. It would be around 600$ and it lasts for several years.
  13. Have you tried disabling your firewall/antivirus? Might help you join the server.
  14. OshiSeven (Some Youtuber) had the idea to use ramdisk to boost your fps, it worked for me so give it a shot. Video:
  15. Rybur

    DayZ Gangnam Style

    Snipers must be like "WTF!??!?"
  16. Also servers that don't allow hatchets. Those backstabbing bastards.. Now seriously it's just plain stupid to remove snipers. Snipers force you too play the game in a stealthier way and they also force you to be more cautious. With no snipers you would just run in cherno shooting zombies and then die to some enfield noob. Snipers change the game to something better, they make it more realistic. They also give a use to smoke grenades, flares, frag grenades, etc.
  17. Hello everyone I have tried everything to optimize DayZ but it keeps stuck between 12-20 FPS. My pc specs are: CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 Graphics Card: Nvidia Geforce 210 silent Ram: 3 GB DDR2 Motherboard: P5PL2-E I would like to know if you have a way of increasing my FPS to 30+ i'm not asking much. I'm considering an upgrade on my hardware so give me some suggestions.
  18. Rybur

    Hero Suit

    DayZ needs more people like you, it needs more heroes. It's not fun if everyone shoots on sight. I don't do it unless the other player has some kickass gear that I want. I never kill newspawns but I tend to get stabbed in the back when I give someone a gun.
  19. Rybur

    DMR or SVD Camo?

    My choice would be the DMR. The SVD camo goes great with a ghillie suit but it's harder to shoot and learn the scope. The DMR has a standard scope and it's easier to shoot, in my opinion.
  20. Rybur

    ITT : Post your best gear yet

    My best gear was on Chernarus. I had a PP-Bizon SD, an AS-50, a coyote backpack, an M1911, all the tools and ammo for the guns :D
  21. Rybur

    Bad Performance/FPS

    I should slap you for calling that "old" :P
  22. Rybur


    Maybe, "It's a trap!"
  23. Rybur

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello everyone, I'm Rybur I play on DE and FR servers and I don't shoot on sight :)
  24. Rybur

    Humanity issues

    That's a bad idea, in my opinion you use the different skins to learn if the enemy will shoot on sight, or if he is friendly.
  25. Rybur

    DayZ standalone; more zombies?

    I totally agree with you any noob can go into cherno and shoot the lee enfield some times but he can easily dodge the zombies by climbing the stairs. The ideal here would be to improve the zombie AI and the number of zombies spawned in cities/airfields.