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About s3crtAZOnt

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  1. Hi. I've been playing on your server a lot and really liked it, but you moved to another host and the IP stated in the old server name is wrong and doesnt work. So i cant find you new server, is that because you havent moved it yet or you misspelled the ip for some reason?
  2. s3crtAZOnt

    Hacker Camp US 1496

    Thanks, ive just picked up some things, there was only one M4A3 HOLO SD? Because i didnt find any :|
  3. s3crtAZOnt

    Finaly a use for Crowbars

    I think since the crowbar is the least used and least usefull weapon in game, it should be a starting weapon. It has low pvp damage,still melee,and it will be finaly used by players!
  4. s3crtAZOnt

    Hacker Camp US 1496

    Me and my friends usually say horizontal first so it would be a fatal error to go to 138 horizontal. lol
  5. s3crtAZOnt

    Hacker Camp US 1496

    138 is vertical or horizontal?
  6. s3crtAZOnt

    Building bases and millitary transport.

    I am respresenting my own point of view on this suggestion.
  7. About building: So in DayZ theres already almost everything you need to build structures(those that consist of sandbags and wired fences) so i think Rocket should add Schematics for different structures. You find them in millitary buildings and they require things like Wood Pile's, Sandbags, Wire Fences and tents to construct different things. You rightclick the Schematic and it consumes items contained in both your inventory and backpack to construct a disired thing writen on Schematic. About Tanks and etc.: I think there should be maybe 1 tank for a server since there are millitary bases and there MUST be at least one millitary vehicle. For not to ruin balance tank should have very few of ammo and it takes several people to control it anyway. And why there are no Humvees eventhough there are broken ones on each corner(i think there should be at least unarmed ones). There is also a civilian plane so why not to make it spawn maybe on Krasnostav airfield? It will be a very closed transport since there are only 3 airfields on the map. EDIT: Thats a good idea too! Saddly i think rocket or any dev wont see this post and things im suggesting wont be implemented in game :c But you guys cant tell what you think :3
  8. s3crtAZOnt

    Random ban?

    Well saddly i didnt know about cheat engine is used for scripts in Arma 2. How should i know that if nobody warns me about it! I used it for some single player cheats like 10 hours before playing but it seems i didnt close it before playing arma and this sucks because i think Battleye support wont belive that i used it for another game.
  9. s3crtAZOnt

    Random ban?

    Thats an interesting question. I sometimes use it for other games and it could have been launched because i was using it long time ago and didnt restart my computer and may didnt notice that its on ._.
  10. s3crtAZOnt

    Random ban?

    The problem is that ive tried different servers and it says "Global ban" when joining
  11. s3crtAZOnt

    Random ban?

    This morning i woke up at 10 am and wanted to play some DayZ. I was playing for a hour with my friends,found many nice things and made a base. Then i had to go for another 4 hours. When i came back to play and what do you think? I was expecting to play with my friends again but Battleye decided that i shouldnt play with them and rewarded me with a ban. I swear to god i didnt use any scripts or cheat programs for DayZ in my life. I know you will all say "Haha! Cheater thinks he can get unbanned!" but i am not a cheater! I always was a good, experienced and a loyal player for DayZ community and never wanted or tried or even thought about cheating. How the hell can this happen?
  12. s3crtAZOnt

    Player Base Building: The MCV

    I like the idea but not that kind. If you could build stuff yourself, not some magic truck that could be better
  13. s3crtAZOnt

    Fishing - Tackle, Traps and Rods! *Update*

    Thats the awesome thing i always wanted to have in DayZ! Rocket, add this in game!
  14. s3crtAZOnt

    A Safer Way of Storing Stuff

    So safe is too heavy? Go carry some rottors and wheels with 20 litres cans. Ill watch you do it
  15. I personaly like it but youre talking about a full remake of game mechanics, so i think that wont pass(maybe if there will be Hardcore mode for that)